Turn 10: Ritual of Victory...

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After several days of rest, the day had arrived... The Vanguard Koshien, but...

"Damm!" said Chrono, who was in a hurry.

"What's going on?" Kazuma asks.

"We need an advisor that knows about the game or someone." the redhead answered, with the registration sheet in his hands.

"And Mr. Yamaki?" Luna asked.

"He's sick..." replied the redhead.

"What about Enishi-san?" Tokoha asked.

"Enishi-chi is working at the Dragon Empire branch." commented Kumi, who had seen him removing a Vangaro costume.

"I think I know the right one." said Chrono, who passed through his mind to someone he knew.

Turn 10: Ritual of Victory...

Chrono makes a call with his cell phone and before the registration closes... "Come late?" said a voice in the distance.

"You are..." asked the person in charge of the registration.

"Shinemon Nitta, and I'm the substitute advisor from Harumi High School." Shin said, just at that moment someone recognized him.

"Oh, so you came Shin?" a blond man in glasses asks him.

"Yeah, I'm Harumi's substitute advisor." Shin said, meeting his old friend, Mark.

"Oh, so you are here?" asked a voice accompanying Mark-san.

"They are Tado-kun and the others." Kumi said cheerfully.

"We are the Team Trinity Dragon!" said the three, making Chrono and Tokoha laugh.

"What's the joke?!" Tsuneto got angry, at that moment someone else arrives... Yep, Nagisa who just for this occasion was part of the team.

"The joke is that they think they're going to win." said Nagisa, at that moment Chrono stands in front of her and resumes her. "How sure you are?"

"Come on, don't fight, since we will be the ones who win this." said a voice in the distance

"Shion..." Chrono and Tokoha reacted happily.

"Oh, I guess that for that ugly uniform you must be from Hisue." said a voice that made Tokoha shudder.

"And the bad queen arrived." Tokoha said quietly when she saw his former rival Hashima Rin.

"Why do you say it?" Nagisa asked, who was upset by Rin's attitude.

"Simple, is easier for the salty to win their battles than you to win the Koushien." she responded, while making fun of them.

"Who do you call salty!" Kaoru got angry, but Rin just yawned.

"to you, who else?" answers Kazuma.

"By the way Shion... Where is your advisor?" asks Chrono.

"Well... he..." said Shion, who saw his adviser arrive at the stadium.

"Sorry, I was a little late, but the branch chief didn't want to work again." answered a voice that surprised both Chrono and Tokoha.

"Don't worry Mamoru-san." Shion told him.

"Nii-san, could you explain?" Tokoha asked him, who wanted an explanation from his brother.

"Oh, Tokoha, Chrono..." Mamoru is surprised to see them; because his work he only knew that her sister was the vice-president of Harumi's vanguard club.

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