Turn 25: The Power of Beauty!

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"Stand Up! Vanguard."

"Goddess of Headwater, Nakisawame." / "Ancient Dragon, Petrakid"

"That girl uses Tachikaze, it won't be easy." thought the famous model Blonde.

"I'll go first, Ride! Ancient Dragon, Iguanogorg and move Petrakid." says Karen.

"Ride, Detect Angel! Nakisawame moves, attacks." Verno responds, who makes the first attack.

"No guard."

"Drive Check: No trigger." Verno's attack left Karen with her first damage and no trigger.

"Ride! Ancient Dragon, Dinocrowd. Call Hypnohang." Karen rides in to her grade 2.

"I see you're careful young lady." Verno comments to her opponent.

"When you play against a clan like your Genesis, you always have to be careful." replies Karen, who was making her first attack ... "Dinocrowd attacks."

"No guard."

"Drive Checking: No trigger." unfortunately Karen fails to reveal any triger during her Drive check ...

"Damage Check: No trigger." Verno replies, who was also not lucky in revealing a trigger.

"Your next Hypnohang." I was attacking Karen again, but ... "Guard!" Verno manages to defend himself from his opponent's attack.

"Turn End."

"Ride! Goddess of Favorable Wind, Ninnil, Revelation!" Verno looks at the top deck letter. "At the top of the deck, Call Battle Maiden, Kotonoha, Revelation!" said Verno, who called a unit a (RC) to reinforce his attack.

"Revelation, a skill that allows you to look at the first deck card and depending on the result, you can return it to the deck or put it in the soul, if you do, one of your units would be in Rest ...but she has skills to compensate that Rest." Karen thought.

While the brown-haired girl was very focused on her thoughts... "Ninnil attacks."

"No guard." answers Karen.

"Drive Check: No trigger." fortunately, during the Verno Drive Check there was no trigger.

"Damage Check: Draw trigger, power to Dinocrowd and draw a card." replies Karen, who takes a card from the top of her deck.

"Kotonoha, attack Hypnohang." Verno attacks one of Karen's re-guards, but ...she defends herself. "Guard!"

"Turn end..."

"Strong warrior, swallow all your enemies and absorb their energy Ride! Ancient Dragon, Spinodriver, Call Tyrannoblaze and Breaktops." Karen calls her grade 3 and was ready to attack Verno with everything, before the famous model could make a comeback...

"I know she has an ace up her sleeve, I think it's best not to underestimate her." thought Karen, who was attacking one of Verno's re-guards. "Hypnohang attacks Kotonoha."

"Guard." Verno defended himself, but... "I activate the Petrakid skill, I remove it and call Iguanogorg, besides ... I call Hypnohang [Stand] with the boost of Breaktops, Spinodriver attacks." "No guard." said Karen, who was attacking Verno again.

"Drive Checking: No trigger / Yey! Critical trigger, power to Hypnohang and critical to Spinodriver." she added, while her Unit became stronger, and Verno put two cards in her damage zone.

"Damage Check: get critical trigger, all to Ninnil / Heal trigger, power to Ninnil and heal damage."

"If you think it's over, you're wrong, I activate the Breaktops skill." Karen takes two cards from her hand, puts them in the drop zone and removes that unit. "It's time for my Break Ride! Ancient Dragon, Spinoflash!"

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