No Pudding Should Be Wasted

476 4 2

Character : Chandler Riggs

Dedicated to : @PissedUpDerp, NOW MAKE MY CHAPTER 2!! (҂`ロ´)︻デ═一 \(º □ º l|l)/

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You sighed, searching and searching for a book needed for your school. Eventually, this library is literally too silent. I mean, libraries were silent but you didn't have someone with you. A friend? Ew friends. You didn't have friends, friends are is just disgusting people. Eventually, you have one but she was too busy. Your other friend was too busy, either, with pathetic things. Video games, other included books, Food, drawing, blogging. Thats her, she was obviously still great. Even tho she doesn't study that hard, she's always pass quizzes, tests, presentations ( With or without team mates), And almost everything! You sighed, you neither pass or fail. You haven't sleeped in a while, 4 days straight. You had literally been having coffee and tea, with chocolate to keep you hyper but you would eventually wither out. You finally found the book, you opened it like a legendary book then you notice that it was words again. It made you dizzy, you touched the web of your pinkie and ring finger, it ditches away dizziness and back pain. You knew because this was what you always did, and it always worked. You sat at the chairs, it was raining heavily. You then wore your jacket then started reading, blah blah blah mixing blah blah blah this and that. Your licked your lips as the words started to spin, you shook your head then covered your face with your hood. You closed your eyes as you laid your head at the table, tiredness began to hit you. You reached your bag then grabbed your coffee bottle, it was supposed to be called water bottle but coffee was inside it. So you called it coffee bottle, you opened it and drank, nothing. You looked at it, empty. You sighed then putted it back, you then started reading again. You laid your head then fell asleep, drifting off to a wonderful dream.

You woke up then saw it was morning, nice. You sighed then saw a guy infront of you, your vision started to adjust then you saw a handsome boy, maybe the same as your age. He was eating a pudding, eventually, he heard your stomach growl. He chuckled, it was the most beautiful chuckle you have ever heard as he looked at you with sky icey blue eyes with a grin. He opened his bag then handed you a pudding, at first, you thought he was tricking you, then he smiled then gave you a plastic spoon. " Th-Thank you!" You said as you started digging in, " You're welcome, and you should know, that you are adorable while you sleep."  He said with a chuckle once again while looking at you, which made you blush. " Hey, no need to be shy. I'm Chandler by the way, Chandler Riggs." He held out his hand, " Carl on TWD?" You said, he nodded with a smile. You started to love that chuckle and smile, you loved his icey blue eyes. You admired everything about him, You started to melt. " I'm uh um ( Y/N) ( L/N)"  You stuttered out as letted out a breath, obviously, he was breath-taking. You smiled then looked at the book, he was looking at your lips. You noticed then he moved his thumb to the side of your mouth then licked it," Wouldn't want any pudding wasted,  " He said, You blushed and started looking like a tomato. You hid your face at the book with only your eyes being seen, he smiled then pulled the book down and kissed you with a smile. It was a light peck but sweet, you loved it.

// Look darlings, Let's say Hannah and Chandler was never together. Apologies for the Hannah and Chandler shippers, And eventually, I don't know how to spell HANNAH'S name. Correct me and judge me if possible, also It was supposed to be a light peck on the cheek but that would be pretty booooring. ;>

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