Girl and a friend

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Fandom : The Walking Dead

Character : Carl Grimes

Dedicated to : @BaseDrum, my best fandom friend that was at the play with me, but she can sometimes be a huge douche. Rude douche. Ily tho. ♥♡

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You sighed in contentedness, looking back to see if there was a walker at your back. Wanting your flesh, you smiled while knowing that you were safe. You ran at the forest, as you looked back. Seeing that there was a few walkers, you ran once again then you saw a chapel near by. You smiled then ran to it, knocking. You saw a boy with ice blue eyes, he looked confused at first then he didn't hesutate in opening the chapel door. He pulled you in and putted a hand in your mouth, he closed the door then he still shutted you up with his hands in your mouth. You tried to struggle with a blush dusting your soft cheeks, You could hear the moaning of the walkers. 3? No, no. 10? Yeah, that's about it. You sighed, you must have attract them. As heard a gun shot outside at the forest, attracting the 10 dead bastards, called " walkers ". You felt the ice blue eyed boy remove his hand from your mouth, you wiped the beads of sweat falling from your forehead. He smiled then putted his hand out, " Carl Grimes, You're lucky that Dad is asleep. " He said as you melted as you look at his so adorable smile, " ( Y/N ) ( L/N ) " You shook his hands, " Wow, you must be the same age as me. " He said, You nodded, " What? Really, wow. It's the last time I've ever seen a girl the same age as me, " He said, " It has been a long time that I have human contact, really. I have been alone in while, " You said, He grabbed your hand then he sat to the chapel chairs, you did the same. " What happened to your family? " He asked as he slightly tilted his head, " Well um. . . It's a long story, really. " You said, " I've got time, " He said excitedly, " Well when I got home from school, I first saw my mother. Laying at the ground, pale and lifeless as a puddle of blood was under her and being absorbed by her clothings. At first, I thought she bit her wrist as I stood there while staring at her. But then well she got back as I whined, at first. I thought it was a miracle, then she tried to bite me. I stabbed her with my scissors at the bag, then I brought my little sister and brother with me and walked to the forest with food supplies and knives and more weapons. Then a herd of walkers came, my sister tripped at a root of a tree then got eaten. My brother fell at a hole, which is a trap either and got eaten, the usual. Then that's it, living by myself was natural to me now. " You said, " You must be a writer, or neither a reader. I mean you read amazingly! " He said as fascination was shown in his eyes, " Oh my. Um thank you. " You said, blushing like a cherry. He smiled then his Dad came, " Who is she? " He hissed, " Dad, this is ( Y/N ). My um girl friend, I mean a Girl and a friend. " He said as he gets flustered, you giggled then His Dad walked to you then smiled then patted your head. He seemed harsh but he wasn't at all, maybe he was just trying to be protective with Carl. You smiled, he then whispered at your ear. You shiver as you felt his beard, you made a disgusted face but then you saw that Catl was looking at you. You then made a poker face, " You better be good to my son, believe me. You don't want to go break his heart, " He said then he patted your shoulder then walked away, Carl on the other hand was just looking at you. You smiled then he blushed and looked away, you kissed his cheek gently. He smiled .

// bleh too lazy. Cliffhanger then.

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