This coffee is too strong for me

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Fandom : Supernatural

Character : Gabriel, The trickster. Again.

You woke up, exhausted as always. You made your breakfast and coffee, then while you ate breakfast. You opened your TV then changed channels, You putted it at " Animal Channel ". You closed your eyes, slowly falling asleep while you held your coffee mug, quitely snoring. You felt the hot coffee drip on your skin, You opened your eyes wide then screech. You putted the mug at the table then shook your now burned skin, You hop around, " Hot! Hot! " You whispered with hisses. You looked at the TV after hoping in pain, It was about Megalodon. You were actually interested, You saw a whale ate in half. You actually were interested in this things, You saw a guy talking in the TV that looked like Gabriel. Wait..? What??? Gabriel?? You narrowed your eyes, " Heya ( Y/N ). " He winked. You scratched your eyes, The guy was back to normal. " This coffee is pretty strong. " You said while looking at your mug that had " I don't understand " in it then " I still don't understand. " at the other side, It was from The Show Sherlock. You sighed then changed the channel, " Thor : The Dark World " was on. You putted you ( H/C ) into a messy bun. " You were excited to see Loki, You were shocked again. You saw Gabriel again! You saw him as Loki, He did say he was Loki. You closed your eyes and drank more coffee, You opened your eyes then saw Gabriel infront of you. " Ohohoho! This coffee is strong! " You said, Gabriel chuckled. " Uh-huh. " He said while touching your chin, You were frozen. He stared at your ( E/C ) with his brown gold ones. You putted the coffee at the table then stood up, You hold his Green and Black collar like in the movie. You kissed him, he kissed back with a smugly smirk. You broke the kiss, " Is that coffee still too strong for you? " He asked with a smirk, " Uh-huh. Still too strong for me. "

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