War of Mechanics [Arc 8.4]

Start from the beginning

Not only the technical staff on the planet boiled over in cheers, but the people in the command center also were beside themselves in excitement. Some people didn’t even dare to believe that it was true, even suspecting that they were dreaming.

“Did we succeed?! Did we really succeed?! Oh my god! I’m not dreaming, am I?! Or am I hallucinating?!”

“It’s too amazing! It’s really incredible, the first field experiment actually was completely successful!”

“Is this real? Is it real?” A member of the mechanics team shook another person by the shoulders, his face full of disbelief, even his eyes round as saucers.

“I-I also don’t know, it should be true ba, or maybe, maybe it’s just a dream.” The person being shaken was even more surprised and disbelieving than the person shaking him.

“He actually really did it, and only took a month. How is that possible?!” One of the mechanics team members who had previously said with certainty that Jing Yang wouldn’t succeed looked at Morgan incredulously. “Team leader, how could this be real?”

Morgan was so excited his hands were trembling. Instead of responding to the team member’s questions, he stared fixedly at the screen, watching the technicians dig up the first piece of precious metal.

They saw the technicians on the ground standing next to a huge piece of precious metal, jumping excitedly to wave at them, and showing that they really did it, they really finally mined the precious metal in the Jinming cluster.

The combat team members who saw everything were all crazily excited, but their focus was different from that of the mechanics. The mechanics team couldn’t believe that Jing Yang had actually produced this mining equipment in only a month, while the combat team were focused on more practical matters.

“Are all of those precious metals ours now?! They’re really all ours?!”

“I even thought that we could only wait and watch Fetani bring all of the precious metals away, I didn’t think that we would still seize them first, hahaha…”

“With all of the precious metals in the Jinming cluster, our empire will be the wealthiest nation in the universe! That would be a real wealthy atmosphere!”

“With these precious metals, our people can live better, and our military will definitely be treated even better!”

“Too great! It’s really too great! Before, we chased away those insects with such difficulty and occupied the Jinming cluster, and I was even injured severely for this. But then it was actually seized by Fetani for nothing, and I had been furious for a very long time. If Fetani knew that their previous efforts were in vain and that the precious metals would come to us in the end, they will definitely explode from fury!”

Everyone was ecstatic and endlessly excited, and only Jing Yang was very calm. These precious metals would be a huge amount of wealth for any country, but only a powerful enough country could hold on to such an immense amount of wealth. So even if he invested effort but couldn’t get these precious metals himself, he didn’t care at all, and he didn’t regret it. His purpose was just to prove himself, and he had already achieved it, so it was fine. And he clearly knew that with this success, he would be valued by the empire and would be valued even more by Denanfry. For him, this was much more important than those precious metals.

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