will these be my last words?

28 2 1

21:03 04/02/2020

when will they stop
over-examining their thoughts
calm down
you fools
your diagnoses are wrong

time is eternal
for we never die
hope may wither
and love may leave
but our souls stay alive

and i know you think it's over
i know they think they've won
but what a struck
of nonsense luck
could do to your sense of humour

oh boo, what a fool i am
tapping away on a screen
blood of caffeine
eyes of mascara
a goddamn recipe of a massacre

i love you
my pretty words
thank you for hurting me
for look
i think i've finished my first little book

21:08 04/02/2020

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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