the way you are

12 1 1

18:07 03/03/2018

i like the way you think
so original, everything you say
though you still filter it
making sure others won't take you the wrong way

adorable, darling
how else can i compliment you
a higher power bending down
listening to the words leaving my mouth

admirable, though you'd never realise
just how much i look up to you
how much you inspire me
heck, you don't even understand this is about you

i wince, thinking how many people could think this is about them
ah, the egotists
how unfortunate
that they will never reach your level

i'm boasting on your behalf
because i can hear you hiding these thoughts deep inside
so afraid to be proud of your work
oh hun, i'm here for you

forever misunderstood
we're the unlucky ones
but does in matter
we're the people others write songs about

exhibit a, this is to you
i'm just an admirer
watching from close up
writing once far away

my god, how can one get drunk on water
high on love
exhibit b, hey that's me
i'm kinda super crazy

the gold glowing from a window afar
i know it's not you there
i find it disappointing
but i trust you doing fine without me

hell, i know you are
look at you, so strong
would be better
if you knew that too though

18:12 03/03/2018

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