happy day

12 2 1

23:56 05/08/2017

tell me you miss me
forget the apologies
i want to hear your love
beat from your chest

you know i adore you
i never want to leave you
but still i can't change
the inevitable future

but let's not think now
everything seems calm
hug me till i'm warm
though it's been hot this month

this day has been crazy
can't explain my daydreams
i'm so happy for all these things
that seem stupid to strangers

i want to remember
how i feel in this moment
for i well know
it won't last long

hopefully i'll express it
all that i'm thinking
while i'm happily alone

i'm glad that you're here
that i know you all
i love that you love me
as i do y'all

and it's stupid for me to excite
i know i act childish
but with this kind of happiness
how could you hide

so i'm sorry for not rhyming
but this is too much for me
i don't think i'll fall asleep
when i'm this happy

00:02 06/08/2018

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