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01:12 10/08/2019

you are
so careful
for someone
who deems themselves
so careless

because even
when i watch you
i know
that you
could care less

but your broken heart
fixed with paperclips
yearns for a touch
with which
i can assist

and your iris eyes
that see through
this bizarre life
know what
they miss

how glad i am
to be your puzzle piece
your stranger
you knew of
before you knew it

how happy
that you found me
listening to an album
that helped us

how crazy it is
that we saw
but never looked
until after
we were introduced

and now we're intertwined
every night
and i simply can't believe
how it all
even happened

but you were always there
like dust in the air
and i just needed
for you
to be pointed out

01:17 10/08/2019

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