your name

16 1 1

23:11 11/10/2017

you caught me out of breath again
just by leaving me a note
please don't tell my friends
it's better off they don't know

they're always on my back
asking things i don't want them to ask
so just do me a favour
and come back later

it's not like you'll leave
constantly living in my thoughts
live like on a screen
blinding whatever else i want to watch

you're the one who stands out
though i don't know how
it's just who you are i guess
that differs you from the rest

i can't put into words
exactly what i think
it's a mix of pleasure and hurt
instead of speech i just drink

till i drown in my hydration
better not eat and die from starvation
see these are all the things i would do
to just stop thinking about these things involving you

23:17 11/10/2017

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