25 minutes

8 1 0

19:06 13/03/2019

25 minutes
is all i have
before you leave

the world
is waiting for you
i must hurry

perhaps i miscalculated
my exquisite mind
just can't handle equations

with me being late
my legs just so weak
maybe our minutes are just 23

perhaps my breathing
inhales the seconds
thus leaving us only 22nd

my blinks separate our worlds
an entire minute has gone
left with just 21

a bewildered thought arrives
my eyes start to deny your eyes
now i have lost another 5

your head is too full of thought
shut up and just breathe
but then we'll only be left with 15

10 minutes were lost so carelessly
despite us being so carefull
maybe we should be more carefree

my over examination
left me dreaming
now we're just left with 14

a coffee? no. tea?
is there anything you'd like to do with me
we still have time, even 13!

no? not me?
oh, i see
i guess our minutes don't mean anything

i should spend my time elsewhere
where someone would care to spare
something more
than just 10 minutes with me

19:15 13/03/2019

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