city pity

18 3 1

23:36 07/04/2018

i really need to stop crying in the city
looking up to the sky searching for pity
all in all i know the clouds are too busy
to deal with me

there's something wondrous about the pace
almost impossible to remember a single face
causing everything to be forgotten anyway
makes everything feel the same

i used to dream of the best phone
so i could take my pictures with me wherever i'd go
but nowadays i prefer my camera over all
maybe i should stop walking alone

my skull is too thin to not let my thoughts escape
so i pretend i'm in a call and listen to what i have to say
i take my own time and respond in delay
for if i want answers i know i have to wait

my eyes get stuck on all the people i will never know
for even if i asked them out, god knows they'd say 'no'
for who would agree to spend time with a stranger who's broke
financially gone, mentally close

but it makes me wonder, what it all really is
since we try to judge love on one single kiss
but since time is theory, then what if
love is the same and none of this exists

23:47 07/04/2018

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