single, no return

11 1 0

21:38 19/04/2019

i used to be so proud
but my mistakes
are haunting me
and i need a one way ticket
to get away

don't you dare follow me
just because you think
you should
that shouldn't advocate
anything you do

let me leave
let me start somewhere new
pretend i can't remember
your eyes

i am sick of being sick
and losing my sleep
you're too close to me
i should leave
how much longer till i leave

i am tired
of playing victim
and attacker
in this bipolar game
i know i'm losing anyway

just let me go
it makes no sense to hold on
maybe i'll write a song
with how much this hurts

don't reach once i'm away
i'll be gone
pretend you don't exist
you have others
to torment

a single ticket please!
my way out of here

i will give what i've got
promise more than i'll get
i need to leave this
you don't understand

my phone is a buzzkill of my hype
it dies so quickly
while you type
i don't want to hold my breath
i want to start again

please just let me go
i'm a loose cannon
my noose is gone
and i promise you
that i just want to go

21:45 19/04/2019

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