
13 1 1

16:03 05/09/2017

seems like there won't be more sad stories
leaving my mouth
none will be left on paper
by the works of my hand

reading it back now
i can see all the thoughts
i still don't know how
i didn't know i was in love

i try not to make it too big
for i know this is all new
but my god i love this confusion
knowing you're confused too

i've always understood the difference
between you and my friends
but this was unexpected
and i hope it will never end

sorry for enlarging it all
but this is a first
the only times i feel sad
is when i realise i miss you the most

because my god i want to hug you
make sure you're doing fine
drink tea and sit on the sofa
carelessly spend our time

i miss you too much as it is
but now i've got even more reasons
i don't care what people think
i just want your cheeks so i can kiss them

i check my phone every minute
hoping for a message
because it's you who i wait up for
and the one i can't stop missing

with all the stupid things we say
and laugh about amongst our friends
trust me, i love them every day
but it's you who i love

the end.

16:12 05/09/2017

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