Chapter 27: Move To Miami

Start from the beginning

"Really? You know it's against the Geneva Convention to kill retreating soldiers" Rico said, impressed with how brutal he was being.

"Fuck the Geneva Convention, those bastards are the reason my dad is dead" Luke replied, then he walked away.

Rico sighed, "I will never understand him"

Meanwhile, out in the sea, Greene crushed the navy and the rest of the Surren fleet around the Carribbean. Though the Playfeld won the battle, 174 fatalities were caused and 82 soldiers had injuries so bad they were either honourably discharged or given lower roles, but at least Miami and the east coast of the US was freed from Surren rule. Later that night, the city celebrated its independence from the Surren army by throwing a parade. While watching the parade on the telly London, Delevio, Luke and Rico all had a long chat together.

"... So then he said I'm gonna burn you to a crisp, then after I tossed the grenade, I said now look who's crispy" Rico said.

Everyone laughed, except for Luke who thought the joke was cheesy.

There was a knock on the door, "Are we expecting anymon?" London asked.

Rico shrugged, Luke got up and took a knife from the kitchenette he looked out at the peephole and saw nothing, so he opened the door and saw a Vulpix wearing a pink dress and a pink headband, Luke just stared at her before speaking, "Can I help you kid?"

"Where's London?" She asked in a Russian accent.

London got up when he heard his name, "Yes who's calling me?"

London got to the door and saw that the Vulpix was Tatyana!

She leaped onto him and started kissing his face, London started laughing at the tickling feeling, "Ah! Tatyana! Stop! Your getting my face wet! Stop!"

"Who's that?" Rico asked.

"Tatyana Petya, she's with the Russians, she helped London find me after I was kidnapped by Demitriyev... And almost raped" Delevio replied.

Rico flinched, when Luke heard her say rape he turned around, "Who almost raped you?!"

Delevio was surprised, "Um Yuri Demitriyev? He was on Interpol's most wanted, Russian, the leader of the Sem' Nozhey international criminal cartel, he took me here to Miami -"

"Where is he?" Luke immediately questioned.

"London killed him" Delevio replied, cringing a little at the memory of London ripping the Houndoom open.

Luke dropped in disappointment, "Aww"

Rico facepawed, "What is with you and killing?"

Luke gave him a glare, "My goals are beyond your understanding"

"Um, London I have two things to say... One is... I was given authorisation to work with you and Delevio!" She squeaked excitedly, then her mood went to worry, - The other is... Rena Mansur escaped prison in Germany"

"What?" Delevio said, "How? Heinrich Prison is one of the most secure in Germany!"

"She snuck away from her group while they were leading the prisoners back to their cells" Tatyana replied.

"Where is she now?" London asked.

"CCTV caught her getting on a plane to Sydney" Tatyana replied.

"The chemicals expired - I guess that's why her memories came back to her" Tatyana replied, looking at the floor in worry.

London took a deep breath, "I need to go..."

"What? Why?" Luke said.

"I do not want somemon like her running around, she needs to be in prison where she belongs" London replied, he let go of Tatyana and started for the airport.

The Vulpix followed him.

"Oh Arceus, there he goes -" Rico muttered.

Meanwhile, Tatyana and London were on the plane to Sydney, when Tatyana got curious about London's past with Mansur.

"Do you hate her?" She asked.

"Yes... She almost killed Benoit and my little brother" London replied.

"That's understandable... Wait you have a little brother?" Tatyana replied, curious with the new found knowledge she acquired.

"Yeah... Isabel did a DNA test and it turns out he was my little brother" London replied.

"Oh... Interesnyy (Interesting)" She replied, "Don't you need help though?"

London sighed, "I don't... Trust me, she's more than meets the eye... Pfft, just because I saved a whole country and not her parents"

"Hm" Tatyana replied, then she looked out the window at the moon, a worried look on her face, "Moy khoroshiy drug ... pozhaluysta, ne delay glupostey (My good friend please don't do anything stupid)"

Agent London Flareon Volume 2. 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪Where stories live. Discover now