Let's Try This Again

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"Wake up! Flame! Flame please!" Amanda's voice sounds kind of far away.

"Flame!" My eyelids flutter open.

"Open up!!"

I look toward the door it rattles with knocks. "Shit." I sit up slowly. "Oh fuck!" The pain shoots through my small body like an electric shock. I turn to Lucy. "Go. Now!" She runs off. I look at Amanda. "You too."


"Amanda Ill find him. Take care of her will ya?" She hesitates but nods understanding.

"I said open the hell up!" I hobble to the door. "I am going to kick the door in on the count of three!"

"This shit again." I roll my eyes.

"One!" I wobble more.

"Two!" I take a deep breath and place my hand on the door.

"Three!" Just as he goes to kick I open the door. He then lands on the floor in a split.

"Oooooo. Damn." He starts to cry out. His soldiers help him up.

He brushes himself off. "I'm fine. I'm fine!" They get off him. I laugh. "What the hell are you laughing at?!"

"An ignorant idiotic man."

He pulls a gun and puts it under my chin. "You know what I see? A soldier that ran because the war was just too scary for her."

"Ya? Is that really what you see?"

"Ya. Yes, that is."

I knee him between the legs and kick him into his men as I take his gun in one swift move. "It sounds like you need glasses. I suppose you are the new Sargent huh?"

"Yes, and you have a war to prepare for. Get your shit. Wheels up in ten." I hand him the gun after unloading it and dropping the clip. I then wobble slowly to my room.

As I walk in I turn on the light and finally look at my wound. The stitches are out and it's beginning to heal.

I must have been out for a week maybe longer.

I slowly get myself changed and pack what is left of my belongings.

I slowly get myself changed and pack what is left of my belongings

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After I am changed I do some quick makeup and then my hair.

 After I am changed I do some quick makeup and then my hair

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"Come on girl! We haven't got all day

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"Come on girl! We haven't got all day." I roll my eyes, grab my things, and walk out to the living room. They open the door. They start to run out to the chopper.

I take a step and look back down the hallway. "Goodbye, little duck." A tear slides down my cheek.

"Soldier we have to go!" Another soldier takes my arm and pulls me to the chopper. I jump in painfully and we fly off.

The new Sargent looks at me. "You know that little running away because your scared stunt doesn't get you out of this war young lady."

"Chill asshole. My best friend died in the chopper crash. I wasn't running away. I was injured." I pull up my shirt and show the fresh scar. "I ain't scared of shit."

"We'll see about that." He smirks and the chopper continues on its path. I look out the side door as my small town begins to evaporate.

This is war. In war, there are no choices.

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