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I wake up in the bath and check the time. "Shit." Im late. I jump out and change into my black boots, jeans, long-sleeve, and jacket. I throw my hair up in a messy ponytail and run out. 

I run to the train and start running after it. Seven pokes his head out of the door looking at me. I make eye contact with him. He sighs and holds out his hand. I grab onto his hand and he pulls me in.

I pull my shirt down trying to slow my breathing. "Thanks." He nods and walks away. 

Zombie smiles. "Hey, you made it."

Chaga smiles. "Good."

Eric walks over to us. "Wish you would have missed the train. Would have been the perfect excuse to throw you in the hole."

After a while on the train, we are almost to our destination.

Seven sighs. "Alright listen up." We all turn and look at him. "The game is simple it's like capture the flag." He holds up a red gun that looks like a toy. "This is your weapon of choice." 

Tigress scoffs turning to Dameon. "You call that a gun." Eric looks over shooting her in the leg. She slams against the wall. "Fuck!" She slides down the wall hitting the floor. My eyes widen.

Eric chuckles ripping the dart out of her leg. "Nero stim dart. It stimulates the pain of a real gunshot wound. It only lasts a couple of minutes. We will have two teams. Seven and I are captains." 

Seven smirks. "You pick first." 

Eric nods. "Ok. Dameon." 

Seven hesitates for a moment. "I'll take the princess." I look up at him with wide eyes.

Eric nods. "Oooohh. Picking the weak ones so you have someone to blame when you lose."

Seven smirks. "Something like that." They go back and forth picking people. 

We reach our destination and jump off the train. My team and I run down a dark alley reaching an abandoned amusement park. 

Zombie yells to us. "Where did Eric's team go?"

Chaga chimes in as we begin to walk. "They must have gone to the end." 

Seven looks around. "Alright lights off. Gather around. Come on." We all click the small lights on our chests off. "Ok. What is your strategy?" 

Zombie looks around. "Uh, we can hide the flag where no one will find it." 

Chaga shakes his head. "We send out a team to scout their location. See if we can find their flag."

Jack sighs. "I say we blitz them. Just beat them with sheer force."

A female named Queenie chimes in. "Ok, we split into two groups. Defense and offense." 

Jack turns to her frowning. "Who put you in charge?" 

She rolls her eyes. "Someone has to make a decision." I shake my head and run over to the abandoned Ferris wheel. I start to climb the ladder on the side when I hear footsteps.

"You're not gonna jump are you?" 

I look down at Seven. "No. Im just trying to get a good vantage point." 

He hesitates for a minute. "Good thinking." He takes off his gun and sets it on the ground. 

I turn and look at him. "You don't have to come with me."

He sighs as he climbs. "You should go easy. You took a beating." 

I sigh continuing to climb. "Im surprised you noticed. I saw you leave during the fight." 

He stops looking up at me. "Ya well, it's not something I really wanted to watch." As I take my next step the rung under my foot breaks. I fall to the side. Seven grips my hip keeping me on the ladder. His hand was on my bare skin as my shirt came up a bit. My breath hitches in my throat as we sit like this for a moment. He helps me back onto the ladder fully. "You good? You ok?"

I take a deep breath nodding. "Ya. Im fine."

Seven turns and looks at the ground. "This is high enough."

I frown and look around. "No, we need to go higher." I start climbing again then notice he has stopped. I turn and look down at him. "You alright?" He looks up at me with fear-filled eyes. I frown tilting my head. "You're afraid of rights."

He sighs. "Everyone's afraid of something."

I turn back and start climbing again. "I didn't think you were afraid of anything." 

He sighs and starts climbing again. "Come on Flame." I move onto one of the support poles and start climbing. "Really?" He sighs following me. "You even human?" I reach the top stopping and looking around. I sigh and smile slightly. Seven finally reaches the top with me. He grabs onto the pol my hand is on and our hands are now centimeters away. He sighs looking around. 

I look at him smiling. "This isn't so bad." 

He looks into my eyes. "It's not." We stare at each other for a minute and that's when a yellow glow catches my eye. 

I gasp softly. "Look. There it is." 

He smiles at me. "Let's go get it." We climb down and run to the team. "Ok, we found the flag. Flame is in command."

I take a deep breath. "Let's go."

Crossfire {Completed}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant