The Get Away Train

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Seven shoots the men. I grab a knife. 

The Sargent gasps and turns to his men. "Finish it!" They all run and hide leaving him in the lab. He groans angrily. Seven makes his way to the Sargent. He starts typing in codes. I take a guy down that was about to shoot Seven. The monitors show the soldiers putting people on their knees getting ready to shoot them. I run up onto the elevated platform. A man grabs me from behind. I slam my head back into his face and knock him out. I get in my stance and aim. I throw the knife landing it through the Sargents hand. "Ahhhh!" I wipe my nose and make my way to him. Seven takes a man out running at me. He throws another man into the shelves of transmitter serums. 

I look at the Sargent. "Shut it down."

He looks at me. "No." I look at the monitors. The situation in the neighborhoods is getting worse. 

I take the knife out of his hand and hold it to his throat shoving him back into a table. "I am not going to ask you again. Do it! Shut it down!" 

The Sargent smirks. "I admire your willingness to die for what you believe in but so am I." I blink my eyes and look around. "You can't do it can you?" I look at the monitors and then at Seven. I look around feeling helpless. My eyes land on one vile that hasn't broken on the floor. Seven frowns at me and then realize what I'm thinking. He grabs the vile. I push the Sargent back and step back a bit. "Maybe you're not quite as tough as you thought you were."

I shrug. "You're right. Im not." Seven throws the injector with the serum in it to me. I catch it. "Im stronger than that." I grab him and inject the serum into his neck. He stumbles a bit then blinks slowly taking the transmitter's full effect. I smirk and then look at him seriously. "Now shut it down and wipe the program." Seven types in the codes. The Sargent turns to the computers. He clicks some things and inputs some codes stopping the simulation. He hits control, alt, and delete. I watch the monitors hoping and praying. They all blink a bit and come out of the simulation. The monitors go blank. I look at Seven and stifle a laugh.

The Sargent wakes up out of it and looks at the screens. "No." He starts frantically tapping on the screens. "No!" 

I smirk. "Don't get me wrong. There's a certain beauty to your resistance." The Sargent grabs a knife. He runs at me yelling. I stop him from stabbing me. I punch him hard and he is knocked out cold. He falls to the ground.

Seven pulls up the hallway cameras. "Flame? We need to go. Now." We run out and rejoin our group. 

Luke stands up. "Kyle." 

Seven looks at him and swallows hard. "We need to keep moving." 

We run out to the train. Seven jumps on first opening the door. I grab Lucy and push her up into the car. 

Luke holds out his hand. "Kyle. Brother!" Seven grabs his hand helping him in. He continues to hang out the door and look at me. 

I look up at him. "I got it."

He smiles small. "I know you do." He takes my hand and pulls me into the train. We close the door and he holds me. 

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