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We walk into the simulation room. 

Seven looks at me. "Shut the door. We are going to practice."

I cross my arms. "In my fear landscape?" 

He shakes his head. "No. In mine. We go in together."

I raise an eyebrow. "You ever done this before?"

Seven shakes his head. "No, I haven't." He starts setting everything up. 

I tilt my head moving closer. "Sure you want to?"

He frowns. "Why wouldn't I?" 

I shake my head. "I don't know. You haven't told me anything about yourself and now you just wanna let me inside your head?"

He tilts his head. "Are you afraid of that?"

I scoff. "You're not?" 

He thinks for a minute then shakes his head. "No." He injects himself with the sereum then moves over to me. He moves my hair. I look up into his eyes. He smiles softly and injects me. We take our seats. He places a connector on my temple and then on his. We both lay back and close our eyes.

In The Simulation


We wake up sitting on some bulk wires between two buildings. 

I look at Seven and smile. "Fear of heights. Im not surprised."

Seven breaths heavily. "Come on. Let's get to that building." We walk across the wires slowly. We then reach the building. Seven helps me through the window. 


Once through we are sitting in a steel box. The walls start to move in on us. Seven pushes on the walls trying to stop them and eventually puts his legs on one wall and his back on the other. 

He looks over at me. "Fear of confinement. You have to find a way to make the walls stop moving." I pick up some nails and start jamming them under the moving walls. Seven grunts. "Take your time. Im just enjoying myself in this shrinking box." Once all the nails are put in place we close our eyes and hope for the best. 


Once we open them we are in a dark room. A spot light turns on illuminating a table with a gun on it. 

Seven sighs grabbing the gun. "As a soldier, you have to follow orders you don't always agree with." Another spotlight turns on. A woman sits in a chair tied up. She kind of looks like me.

I look at Seven. "Who is she?"

He looks at the women. "She's an innocent."  He raises the gun. "I have to kill her." He sighs. "But I can never do it unless I look away." He hesitates for a minute then looks away. He pulls the trigger.  He turns and looks at me. 


My feet start getting wet. I look down at the ground. The room starts to fill with water. 

I look at him. "Drowning? Really?" The water fills the room fast. 

He points at a vent. "Over there!" I look at him. "Come on!" We swim fast. He gets into the vent. Then he yanks me in just before the room fills fully. I sigh and look at him. "Come on." We slowly crawl through the vent. 


The vent starts to fill with smoke. We start to cough. Seven kicks the vent off and helps me down. We are in a burning building.

Seven looks at me. "Fear of fire." The building starts to collapse. He stands still.

I grab his hand. "Come on!" We run down the stairs. We open the front door and fall to the ground.


We fall onto a black floor. I look around. It's a fun house with a lot of mirrors. I frown tilting my head. I look at Seven. He looks around in fear. I look up into the mirror. A clown fills them all. 

I smirk and look at seven. "Really?"

Seven nods and picks up a gun off the floor, "I fucking hate clowns." He shoots a few of the mirrors. The clowns laugh echoing through the funhouse. 

I point. "There!" Seven turns and shoots him. He leads me to a door and we walk through. 


We are in a house now. I look around. 

I frown. "Whose house is this?" 

Seven swallows hard and looks at me. "Your last fear is your worst fear. It lives in the deepest part of your mind." A little boy runs out of a room.

He reaches his hand out. "Kyle!" The sergeant burst through the door. He runs after the little boy. 

I go to grab the boy's hand. "No!" Seven shuts his eyes. 

We are thrown back by a blast and slam down into two chairs. We are in an interrogation room hooked up to a lie detector test. 

The sergeant looks at Seven with a devilish grin on his face. "Do you have any siblings seven?"

I look at him as he stares dead into his eyes. "No sir." The lines stay flat.

Sarg looks at him. "Good."

Out Of The Simulation

We wake up. I gasp shooting up. Seven gently takes the connector off my temple. I look at him as he breathes heavily. He is sweaty and has adrenaline rushing through him.

He smiles small. "There you are. That's what's in my head."

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