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I walk away from everyone down the hallway. I look up and see Seven coming around the corner. I look at him emotionless.

He continues towards me. "Flame." I shake my head and walk around a corner. He chases after me. "Flame!"

I look back at him. "Leave me alone." 

He grabs my arm leaning me against a wall. "Im sorry about Zombie." 

I run a hand through my hair. "It's my fault that he jumped." 

Seven shakes his head sighing. "No, it's not because of you. He made his choice. He would have been in the hole as a prisoner. He wasn't going to pass that final test."

I scoff and look down at my feet. "Ya, and neither am I." 

Seven hesitates for a second before speaking. "Why do you say that?" He looks down at me.

I raise my head to look into his eyes and give him a knowing look. "You know why." He nods slightly. "And as soon as they find out they are going to kill me." My voice is soft and full of fear. 

He places a hand on my cheek and sighs. "Im not gonna let that happen." 

I tilt my head. "What do you mean?"

He grabs my hand. "Come with me." 

Seven, where are you taking me?

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