Legend of the Holy Light [Arc 6.9]

Start from the beginning

Before both sides were about to retreat, the demon general said: “The negotiations can be taken slowly, but you must immediately give us back our demon elder.”

The demons still did not know that their elder had already been killed by Orede, and thought that he had just been imprisoned.

Louis’s face showed some uncontrollable guilt. He exchanged glances with those civil servants and said to the demon general: “When our negotiations come to an end, we will naturally let him go.”

“Our elder wouldn’t already have been killed by you ba?” The demon general saw Louis and those officials’ appearance and his heart tightened. He guessed that their elder might have already been murdered. They all knew how powerful that elder was, but there were always accidents.

Louis’s face was somewhat ugly. He still hadn’t figured out how to resolve the matter of the demon elder, and in his heart he deeply resented Orede for causing such a big trouble for him.

“The negotiations will continue tomorrow, and any other matters will be said tomorrow.” Louis turned his horse around and prepared to leave.

“Stop!” The demon general yelled. “If you don’t bring our demon elder back, don’t even think about leaving!”

The soldiers on both sides prepared to fight. When the demons started to release demon magic, Carnia raised his hand and prepared to release his light power to fight against the demon magic.

Louis and those civil servants, as well as the soldiers, had thought that they would see the holy white light, but were all stunned when a black cloud appeared in Carnia’s hand.

Carnia looked at his palm in shock. Impossible, he must have seen wrong! As long as the illusion bone was still in his body, the demon magic he released would not show its real appearance.

Carnia tried again, but he still released black demon magic. He unwillingly tried several more times, but the demon magic still did not change into the appearance of light power.

Louis and the rest did not understand what was going on and all looked at him incredulously. Even the demons were all stunned by this sudden transformation.

Carnia’s head was completely blank. He turned to look at Louis and the rest of the group, their expressions and gazes made him even more panicked.

“Carnia, what the hell is going on here?” Louis asked with shock.

“I, I don’t know…” Carnia didn’t know what excuse to make, he didn’t dare to meet Louis’s gaze, afraid that he could see the guilt in his eyes.

“Escape first, quick!” Louis yelled. “Soldiers cover us!”

Louis and the civil servants rushed to retreat, but Carnia sat motionless on his horse.

Carnia thought in a panic, he couldn’t retreat with them, if he couldn’t explain the situation clearly when they went back, don’t mention the great prince not letting him go, even Louis would probably never protect him again.

“Seize them all!” Carnia loudly called to the demons. “Hurry up! Grab them and take me to see the demon king!”

“Carnia?!” Louis stared at Carnia in disbelief. He even thought that he had heard wrong.

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