Sunflowers Ablaze

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The entire room was swivelling,
It was the same timid lighting that had held the room in incandescent cast lights making the white walls look soft yellow. I was lain on the tiny wodden bed and surprisingly laughing at something I cannot remember, Timur was laughing with me, he sitting on the bed legs crossed looking angelic with his eyes wrinkled by laughing that hard. I looked at him and it felt innate, he moved towards me crawling above, stroking my hair so I could meet him face to face. He was so close I felt his breath on my skin, warm and cosy, he leaned in and kissed me. My eyes were closed, it was intoxicating but also breathtaking I could not breath... I sat upright, sweating and breathing heavily. It was a dream... A dream...

I looked at my right, Timur reading on the floor. I immediately turned to the left and covered my head with the white covers.

"Give me one date Timur, you just keep saying you will and it never happens. I want you to take Laraib to the sunflower field, you hear me?" Anne was reprimanding Timur at the breakfast table, I felt awkward to sit, uncomfortable and unable to get the dream out of the head.
Timur spoke to Anne, I could not hear or read his lips, the world around me had fallen asleep, there was the only question that spoke softly to me, where did that dream come from, what part of me was it?

I went through the photo album in solidarity and discovered how much Timur has changed, his smile no longer was as wide as it was, no longer he laughed as he did, as he did in my dream. There was a photograph of Timur that I had taken under the chartreuse light in the restaurant after graduation. I wondered if he ever would look the same again.

 Or ever if I would see him as happy as he was

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Or ever if I would see him as happy as he was. I closed the album and cried. It has been insufferable.

"Did you speak to your mum" I heard behind my back, I wiped away from misery with the end of my scarf and nodded.

"Do you want to see the sunflower fields, they are miles away from the town?" he sat on the bee and opened his laptop. "Anne is awfully invested in the idea, if you do not visit the fields it would break her heart" he paused from his typing and then he did his usual "hmmm"

"I did not speak to Mum," I said. "I do not think we have much to go over"
He rubbed his expression and articulated "you must"

I called her with Timur's phone, I had no idea where mine was if I even bought it with me or it was buried with lilies in the library.

"Salaam, this me mum. How are you?" I spoke mildly, she inhaled and exhale loudly enough for it passes through the line.

"I have been waiting for you to call for months now!"

There was no reply to the accusation, no pleading. I was as empty as her love for me is. I went on"I am happy, mother and Anne is very generous to me. I have forgotten everything " I spoke as Timur shot his eyes to me.

"I am happy to hear that Laraib, my love when will you visit home?"

"I do not want to come back. Why don't you and father visit me?" I saw Timur look away.

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