A Chatty Author

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Today I was in a Chatty mood so I thought I would just rant here.
Do not mind dear reader.

Are you into movies?
The weather sort of perfect for a screening and tea! I would love you to recommend me a cinema that has stolen your heart or took away your breath and I am open to any genre.

So let's make this a give and take.
I'll give you mine list and you must hand me yours.

My sole love is in movies that breaks my heart than rather put me in a cheerful mood. Those are for different days.

I admire movies from the past era, something old and classic. Love movies with literary accents and solid personalities.

I seldom prefer action and sci-fi movies. Romance if not cliche, usual romance as a subplot. You can see the inspiration for my writing pattern here. You write what you love.

The list of movies you must watch :

Ladybird: Have not yet? Why!
(It is graphic warning you ahead)

The theory of everything: Story of Stephen Hawking and his wonderful wife is worth a watch and Eddie Redmayne is ❤

The Testament of Youth: I have cried a million heartbreak with this one, not for a faint heart but such an exceptional one. A favorite.

Indignation: Oh such a spellbinding story! Watch it with shivers!

My Danish Girl: I loved this movie, I would die for such an understanding. It left me wondering for days.
And of course Eddie Redmayne.

Call me By your Name: I was sobbing and disturbed. Timothee stole me

12 years A Slave: I mean, leave the desk now and watch it. We need to have it play as an education. However, I was disgusted with myself after watching it, as a human. So emotional and heinous.

Madame Bovary: Just go and watch it!

On the Basis of Sex: I mean Felicity Jones stole the show ❤
If you are a woman, watch this.

That's probably it for now. If you do survive the list I would extend it on your ask. Tell me what should I watch?

Also, warn me if I'd need tissues or not.

Unpopular opinion but (don't rage on me feminists) I loved the Disney back in the day. No offense to the new Disney that hates the random singing I love it when they sang out love songs out of nowhere, it was so pleasant. I mean we could let fairy tales be fairy tales that is why they are called fairy tales...?! Right.
Also, it was so nice to see men do everything somewhere and the girl just chilling, like Aurora just slept straight for an age and the man had to do everything, I loved that. It was great to see men do some work. Now we have this save yourself which is tiring, to be honest.

And yeah, the update would be soon.
Take care of your own self now, thanks to Disney.
Stay Blessed xoxo

Edit: I just realized all these movies are Adult rating. So if you are under 18 rush to your nearest birthday a little faster.

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