A Mocking Night

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Timur's bedroom is the childhood cave filled with colorful memories of our days. I believe he is no longer the man I love rather my heart is seeking out to Sidratul Muntaha.

I slept on his white cotton sheets, smells much like him, deary musk and solid ink.
The morning knocked in Farhad to the door. Without any consent, he dipped himself in the car. Anne was sad to see us go but leaving to somewhere is necessary, it makes you realize about how much you had, for when it goes missing the value of it stands out to you vividly. I certainly was anxious to go home, home to Sidratul Muntaha.

"How long till we reach home?" I asked Timur when after an hour pass we still were in the city.

"I need to be somewhere first" he answered. Farhad looked anxious as well.

"You...you still pursuing your degree or you-" he puts up the first question. I feared there were too many to come.

"I dropped out of college. I hated everything" I stated irksomely.
True to my assumptions, he started on to exhibit his talents and degrees, his handsome fortunes and even his list of followers on Instagram.

" Are you on Instagram?" He asks.
I scratched my forehead "I hated that as well" to the reply Timur sheepishly smiles.

I growled at him for letting Farhad join us. I was truly upset and in the hardest tries to not be mean I faked sleeping my way.

Timur halted at the tall museum.

"I shall be back in a few minutes" he opened the car door and collected his diary. "Can I join you?" I desperately asked.

He nodded and with me Farhad too descended the car. Timur cross smiles and folding his jacket he leads me to the large foyer.

He returned with three little tickets and handed one to Farhad, stretching his arms to me he offered me the other but I looked away.

"Farhad you can enter from the left" he smiled to him.

"Raib, come " he escorted me to the right side. He walked ahead and turned to smile at me,I hit my head and ran behind him.

 He walked ahead and turned to smile at me,I hit my head and ran behind him

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We went inside to the art museum, where there were metal exhibitory pieces. I hold no interest in sculptures and abstract art, however, Timur was immersed in those. He would stare blankly the large dark structures and sadness would drip from his face like sad rain. Slowly we move, examine the other, look somber, move further look frightened and then lastly return to the silence, the new home of his.

Farhad shortly joined us and laughed "that's some ugly art"

I laughed at the human distinctiveness. What approves one disagrees to the other.
I never asked Awan though if he is into art. Whether he would have loved to see these or they hold no meaning to him. I took Timur's phone and photographed two but then he took the phone back as photography was prohibited on the premises. Like Awan would have cared.

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