Legend of the Holy Light [Arc 6.8]

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There were many soldiers standing outside Jing Yang’s room. Carnia couldn’t directly go inside, standing outside for a while before finally seeing Jing Yang.

Jing Yang did not ask what he was doing, just looking at him.

“I have something to tell you about your grandfather.” Carnia said.

“Speak.” Jing Yang said expressionlessly.

“Are you sure you want to talk about it here?” Carnia turned to look at those soldiers. “It would be better for us to change a location.”

Jing Yang was silent for a moment, but had already guessed what his intention was. “Wait for a while, I will change my clothes.”

It didn’t take long for him to come back out from the room. He told the soldiers and attendants not to follow, and instead followed Carnia away by himself.

They passed through a garden and came to a somewhat remote building. Carnia said, “There are some words that I think would be best to say alone, here there won’t be any people to bother us. Follow me in ba.”

Jing Yang looked at him, not speaking or moving.

“What? You don’t dare?” Carnia smiled and said. “You are by yourself, I am by myself, are you still scared that I will do something to you? Are you sure you don’t want to know about some things from before your grandfather died?”

Carnia pushed open the door and went inside first, Jing Yang followed behind him. This house didn’t look very large from outside, but it was quite long inside. Walking through the big hall and then through a very long corridor, they reached outside another room. Jing Yang turned and glanced at the entrance that was already no longer in sight. In here, no matter how loud the sounds were, the people outside would not be able to hear, not to mention that there was no one outside.

Carnia opened this second door, inside the room was beautifully furnished, and there was a quite large bath. Jing Yang guessed that this was definitely the place where Barron would enjoy himself, and he had already guessed Carnia’s purpose in bringing him here. Did he really think that everyone was a fool?

Carnia looked at the teapot on the table and a glint flashed across his eyes. He turned toward Jing Yang and said, “Sit, I will slowly tell you.”

Jing Yang sat down at the table and watched Carnia pour two cups of tea. He placed one cup in front of him, while he himself held the other and first took a sip.

“This tea is really quite good, why don’t you try it? I especially let people prepare the best tea.” Carnia held his almost empty teacup.

Jing Yang raised the teacup and drank it all in one go, and then placed it down. “Speak!”

Carnia suppressed the excitement in his heart, trying not to show his glee. He smiled and said, “About your grandfather, before he died…”

Jing Yang suddenly fell on the table. Carnia reached out and pushed at him, but he didn’t react at all.

“You can come out.” Carnia stood up.

Barron walked out of a hidden door and looked at Carnia. Then he looked at Jing Yang sprawled on the table, and said full of smiles, “Success?”

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