The boy

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It was another humid day in Seattle. I got up put my sweats and MESSI hoodie on and are breakfast ( waffles with nuttela don't judge me!) then left to go to my soccer game. as I was warming up with the team I saw this boy watching me. throughout the whole game he was there, standing, watching, and cheering. Once the game was over I didn't see him again so left to meet my best friends McKenna ,Skylar, and Ameire. They're basically my family since my dad left my mom, sister, and me 5 years ago. we went to the movies to see the new hunger games mocking jay then left to go to starbucks. I stared telling then about that boy that was watching me play. ".....I swear it's like he was only looking at me" I said. "He probely liked you nora!"sky said. "WAS HE CUTE!!" Said Amerie. "Amerie really you have a boyfriend." said McKenna. "i don't know I didn't really get to look at him." I said taking a sip of my pumpkin spice latte. (I know I know I'm so mainstream.) "Well I hope he goes to our school because I heard a new kid coming on monday." sky said.
"But how would I know if it's him, I told I don't what he looks like." I said. "oh belive me nora he'll find u or you'll find him." Said McKenna. "I got to go Harry and me have a double date with sky and Zayn." said ameire. As I wave good bye the same boy watching me play walks in. McKenna notices me getting tense and says she'll walk me home. "What was that all about." she asked. "That was the boy watching me play!" I screamed. "OH god nora you should be happy a guys noticing you, I mean Niall notices me but you should be happy." she says half laughing half annoyed. "I know I know." I said. "here's my house." When she hugs me goodbyes she whispers in my ear ,"good luck with your secret admire!" Then laughs and walks away."GEE THANKS." I say sarcastically. (the next day ,Monday) I wake up still half a sleep and get ready for school. while I brush my teeth I check my phone "maybe nora will to meet her Prince Charming." sky said. "I HOPE HES CUTE!"Amerie says. "I'm gonna ship them!:)" McKenna says. I reply saying "ugh I hope so lol!" Then I walk down stairs and open the door to walk to school. it was so humid I swear I could fill a bath tub with my sweat, (Gross I know.) I usually get to school at 7:00 to exercise for soccer usually I'm the only one here but not today. I saw and boy dribbling a soccer ball, it was the boy from yesterday.

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