Couldn't We Be..

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*"Guess what I did today?
Those were the words I said to you, it was last May don't know the exact date..
In my head there was a praise,
then you showed me that you love me more than anything in your life, so I asked you would you do me.. the honor of being my wife? (Yes I will)
I will be your man, your protector, your best friend..
Until my humble life has ended and time begins again..
Couldn't We be?" _ Case- Happily Ever After*

Eyes of Joshua:

"Authorities have recovered the body of LaNisha Fisher in ElPaso Texas who is believed to be in question for murder of beloved and respected head of law in New York City as well as all over the Tri-state area 53 year old Richie Lawson..
Richie Lawson leaves behind beloved wife of 23 years and four kids as well as colleagues who loved and respected him so much, he will be missed..
Suspect LaNisha Fisher who is believed to had committed suicide is also believed to have taken the life's of Nathiel Spencer, Melissa Rockwell, Tammy Spencer who was believed to be married to Nathiel Spencer..
Suspect LaNisha was suspected to be grieving the loss of her daughter who had passed seven years back when in two years later meeting victim Nathiel having and affair with each other soon after having their just turned 5 year old son Jordenn Spencer who is also as we learned deceased, found in car outside of Fort Worth, Texas suffering from gunshot wombs as well..
Police also suspect that this may be a love triangle gone wrong.
A woman who snapped and in the end taking her own life.
Sources say she was grieving the death of her daughter who passed seven years back and was seeking revenge.
We will keep you updated as this truly sad and tragic story unfolds..
Thank you for tunning into KWNYC..
I am Vanessa Goldbloom and you've heard it first.."

"Mmm, mmm, mmm.. this a damn shame!
This whole situation is a damn shame!
Now why go and kill that little boy.."
Grans said watching the news from the kitchen drinking her special tea from her favorite mug..
They let me go this morning because they had no reason to hold me..
All charges had been dropped since the body of Nisha had been recovered and all blame was placed on her..
And since she was dead there was nothing else to the story or so they thought..
But see they left out one detail, the last name of the suspect and the last name of the detective who called it in..
But detective Fisher was still here and I'm sure with Nisha dead, she was ready to stir some heavy shit up..
But right now that wasn't my concern..
I was only concerned about Marina and Kai..
Where they were at?
Were they safe?
I myself had no contact with them and Lawson was the only one who knew their whereabouts but he's maggot food now.
I shook my head..

"Talkin' bout' beloved, that nigga Lawson was a fool!"
I said shooing at the tv..
"Them uppity news niggas don't know what they poppin', word life..
Lawson was a straight hoe..
That's a shame how these thugs and drug dealers are tearing down the community!"
I said rubbing my beard and shaking my head..
As grans turned facing me startled.

"*Gasp* BOY!"
Grans said coming up to me slapping my arm then taking me in for a long hard hug.
"What are you doing here!?"

I raised my eyebrow..
"I mean you don't want me hea' cause I can bounce.."
I said laughing pointing behind me towards the door..

"Oh hush!
How could you be making jokes at a time like this J?"

I shrugged..
"It is what it is grans, you know anything about Kai or Marina?"

She sighed pulling back..
"I've been worried sick all day..
That there, what you seen on the news was where they were..
I called Kai to warn her about Nisha and then next thing I know she just hung up on me..
That was 2 days ago!
Joshua I'm worried SICK!
I can't sleep or do nothing, Kai and Taylor haven't been answering my calls..
I don't know what's going on.."
I picked up her keys and head towards the door without hesitation..
"And where the hell do you think you're going boy?"

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