Back Down Memory Lane

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A/N: Now for a quick message from our sponsors at the local Houston liquor store right in my kitchen bar that got my head right for this chapter because this has been a long week! 🙃😬 What is it that you have to say to our readers Oh wise tipsy one:

A/N: Now for a quick message from our sponsors at the local Houston liquor store right in my kitchen bar that got my head right for this chapter because this has been a long week! 🙃😬 What is it that you have to say to our readers Oh wise tipsy o...

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This chapter has been brought to you by Vanilla flavored E&J mixed in with a tad bit of Coca-Cola (and such to be wrapped and rolled), please leave negative kinds of energies, vibes and auras behind so you can fully enjoy this chapter.
Feel free to get on her level if you must! (it's encouraged on a Friday) She did wait until she got home to engage in such activities involving drinks and greenery. This is a no judgement zone. No animals were hurt in the making of this #whatsgoodPETAsponsorMe 😊 please excuse the tipsy typos now without any further interruptions..

*"I stumbled on this photograph
It kinda made me laugh
It took me way back,
Back down memory lane..
I see the happiness... I see the pain,
Where am I... back down memory lane
I see us standing there,
Such a happy happy pair
Love beyond compare
Look-a-there, look-a-there"
_Minnie Riperton- Memory Lane*
(Yes I have an old soul y'all 🤷🏿‍♀️ y'all should come over and kick it, we'd have a good time sis my playlist is so dang on BRAZY 😚😘)

Flashback to where Joshua was the night before he disappeared  and went to go handle some business..

Eyes of Joshua:

Seeing that picture of me and Kai made me feel alot of ways..
It put alot of things into perspective for me.
I loved Kai even before she became a distant memory.
But this could never work if I wasn't honest with myself.
And I'm honestly torn and I don't know how to tell her that.
Knowing her father was one of the main reasons my pops and unc got knocked off and the fact that he was still trying to do dirt with Nutty after all of these years of playing devil's assistant didn't sit well with me at all..
And I trust Kai, I do..
She stuck her neck out for me and I'm forever indebted to her for going against her family for me and my daughter and for everything she's been to us in this short period of time.
Nothing will change me being here with her.
I wanna keep the peace but every time I think about her pops I wanna cap him.
I been planning this day out for a long time.
I've plotted how I would watch him burn alive in my head many, many nights.
I've killed and tortured him in a thousand different ways inside the deepest pits of my mind.
So much that it would keep me awake, way too many sleepless nights.
But now the circumstances are different..
I was alot of things but I wasn't a dirty nigga.
I would have to suck up my pride and find a way to make peace with Kai's Father for her sake and me and Marina's sake just for the time being.
Depending on how he responded would be his own demise.
But this situation is either really fucked up or I can knipped it in a bud right now.
Because honestly the way I see us going and the way I want to be in her world, I gotta get that out of the way.
And I had to step to her dad eye to eye.
I had to look him in his face and man to man this shit.
Popping up one day with Kai would've been all bad.
This is the way I see it.
Me and him are one in the same.
We both love our daughters to no end and we both have a crazy way of the come up depending on how you look at it..
Except there's a huge difference in the both of us;
I didn't step on my mans toes to get to the top.
And I didn't kill his pops.
As much as I love Kai and I do with every inch of me.
Everytime I think about her being in my life since I got that photo in my hand I just can't help but think about how my dad looked the man who would soon be the cause of his murder right in the eyes on the very day I met Kai.
I don't know if this is a full circle or a broken song but either way I was going to use this moment to my complete advantage
I needed to go handle some business..
I called up my man's Richie Lawson who was brother in law's to Lenny Romaine (refer to chapter Shits Real) who had a private jet..
We been through crazy shit and he was this crazy ass white nigga that always had my back..
I knew him for 8 years and just like Jones and Quan I could trust him with my life.
I could come to him at anytime and he'd dropped whatever it was he was doing just for the kid.
I knew it wouldn't take me long to get to Cabo, Mexico on a jet.
He had alot of power.
And if you wanted anything done in Jersey, New York, Philly or Chicago you had to run it through him.
Knowing him is like the golden ticket to life.
I parked my whip in the back of his crib..
I called him up..

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