It's ALWAYS Sunin'!

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*"Your love makes me feel 10 feet tall, without it I'll go through withdrawals. Cause nothing even matters at all!" _Lauryn Hill X D'angelo- Nothing Even Matters*

Eyes of Joshua:

Me and the kiddo's finally got back to the crib around 5 and they were worn out..
I fed them, gave them a bath afterwords I played around with them a bit and they were out like a light around 7:15ish which ended up being earlier than I intended but that was better for me.
It gave me a chance to get the place cleaned up and get myself together since Kai was coming through..
I was picking up in Marina's room when the doorbell rang...
Damn I thought I said around 8:30 maybe I said 7 by accident, she got here early..
It's cool..
I said running down stairs..
I checked myself in the mirror by the door..
It'll do I guess..
I opened up the door and it was Nisha..

"Oh damn what's up Nish come in I thought you was someone else.."
I said backing up as she came in closing the door behind her..
She gave me a hug..
"What's up I thought y'all was supposed to be in the city for the week?"

"We were.."

"So what happened?"
I asked looking out the window noticing she was by herself and Nutty was no where to be found..

"Nothin' I can't handle, I just came to take Jordy off ya hands.."

She said taking off her shades with her eyes blood shot red..
"Yea he sleep I just put him an Marina down they had a long day, you good? you know you can always talk to me.. I mean I won't impose but I'm a good listener.."

She gave me a half smile..
"I know you are.. sometimes I wish you was the one to come talk to me at that party 5 years ago and not Nutty.."

I stepped back and blew out..
"Damn Nish, that's deep.. you don't mean that ya just goin' thru a little sunin' it'll all blow ova' you know Nutt ain't got um all sometimes, he'll come around.."

She sighed sitting on the couch..
"Some things you won't be able to understand because that's ya' boy and ya' grew up togetha'..
He's not a good man Josh, nothin' like you..
Did you know he was married?"

My eyes got buck.. I didn't wanna say the wrong thing..
I knew he was but I thought he said he had taken care of that when he found out she was pregnant with Jordenn..
"Look Nish I really don't wanna.."

"You know what it's cool, can you just bring me Jordy and we'll be on our way.."
She said wiping more tears that fell..

"Hey you know he can stay here as long as he needs, it's no problem at all!
I love having him around and so does Marina..
I don't need anything you know I got him.."

"Just between me and you I'm taking my baby and gettin' the fuck outta Harlem.. I can't take this anymore, the first time he cheated I made it work.. the second time he cheated I overlooked it again.. When he left me alone and pregnant with Jordy I forgave him and took his sorry ass back.. when he tried to put his hands on me last week while Jordy was watchin' I let it go and stayed strong..
But this hea' is the last of the last.. I've had about all I can take of this Joshua, I just want my baby and I wanna dip.."

I just stared at her for a minute..
What was I to do, I couldn't stop her from taking her son but I knew Nutty would bug out if I didn't say anything..
Nigga putting his hands on her and shit, fuck is wrong with son?
He know I don't even hang with strange ass niggas that do cornball shit like that..
He been acting mad weird lately..
"Ight I'll go get his stuff and load your car you can go up there if you want or I'll get him don't matter.."

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