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*"Niggas hatin' on me I ain't use to that.
Know a couple niggas wanna shoot for that.
I say no, no, no chill it ain't no need for that.
Them niggas tryna blow an theyon't need me for that.
And if it work for them, well shit, I'm cool with that.
'Cause how they feel, I ain't got shit to do with that.
I just sit back on cool and watch my paper stack,
And trip off how much bread them crackers take from that"
_Jermaine J.Cole- Brackets*

Eyes of Kai:

Being the child of the type of parents I had came with alot of things.
I was sharp and keen when it came to my surroundings.
And after everything that had went down with my ex fiance I was always extra cautious everywhere I went.
I knew I was taking chances going back to Harlem but I was willing to take those chances for Marina.
She meant something to me.
What I didn't realize was how small this globe actually was.
And if Joshua thought I didn't see his car ducked off with Quan sitting by his side he had better get with the swiftness I came with.
I looked around the store until I saw this lady who could possibly pull off looking like me in this trench coat..
I walked up to her breathing frantically as if I was in distress..
"Excuse me mam I really need your help?"

She turned around looking at me concerned which I was thankful for because this could have gone a whole other route real quick.
"What's wrong my sista',
Are you troubled?"

"Yes you see I'm trying to hide from someone and I was wondering if I could pay you a good amount of money to wear this trench coat and distract them for me."

"Ahhh, I see is this person in which you speak of dangerous by any means?"

"No he won't cause any harm at all, I just want to bring truth to the light for them in do time but I don't want to be seen until than."

"Mmm. That energy that you're bringing my way feels so good and sweet.
I'll do this deed for you free of charge, where's this person now?"
I pointed to the car off to the side
"Okay I think we're about the same shoe size, if we're gonna do this we gotta do it right!
Let's switch shoe's and I'll need that hat in edition to that trench coat."
I nodded remaining silent while sliding money into that pocket for her anyway..

"He's parked right outside I'm just gonna buy this cassette player right quick."

She nodded smiling..
"I'll move out on your head nod"

After I purchased what I needed and a couple of other things I turned her way nodding.
She took off and not even 30 seconds later there went Joshua's car I waited five minutes and caught a taxi the opposite way.

Eyes of Joshua:

"There she go!"
Quan said pointing..

I waited for her to walk and pulled out after her.
She walked like a block down and the closer I got I realized that maybe it really wasn't her at all.
She turned around and I knew for sure that it wasn't her..

"Damn son! Fuck happened to Kai? She malnourished as hell now!"
Quan said putting out the blunt squinting his eye..

"That ain't even Kai son .."
I said looking over at him shaking my head..
"Bro I'm losing it, I just gotta know what's up."

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