Joshua's Way

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*"New York streets where killers'll walk like Pistol Pete
And Pappy Mason, gave the young boys admiration
Prince from Queens and Fritz from Harlem
Street legends, the drugs kept the hood from starvin'...
Pushin' cars, Nicky Barnes was the 70's
But there's a long list of high-profile celebrities."
_Nas- Get Down*

Eyes of Joshua:

We pulled up to the docks in an all black Suburban around 9 sharp..
Quan drove I sat passenger..
Nutty & Jonesy was right behind in the back seat..

"Ight I need this to go smooth, I don't want no mess.. get the shipment and be out!"
I said looking back and over at Quan..
It was a risk moving this kind of weight through the docks to our garage in Queens but it had to be done and we didn't trust anybody else to do it except us four..
"Everybody strapped right?"
They all nodded..
"Ight this our first time workin' with these Italians mofuckas so we gotta be smart.. Quan if shit go down be ready to duck and punch it"

"On it."
He said gripping the wheel..
But something just felt off..
We used to cop from the Haitians but ever since they mans went down they ain't been trusting to branch out with no New York or Jersey niggas so we didn't have a chose..
One Mercedes pulled up from the distance..
They pulled in the distance and turned off all the lights to the car..

"Sonny sunin' don't seem right"
Jonesy said looking out the window clutching his piece..

"Yeah I feel that erie shit goin' on too but fuck it we just get to bussin' an dip out if shit go down."
Nutty said as we all nodded in agreement..

"These Italians on some funny style shit why the shipment ain't hea'.. I don't see shit but empty docks and a old ass white Mercedes kid."
Quan said as I shook my head.
Something was definitely off..

My phone rang from a unknown number..
I looked around and they shrugged..
I hesitated but picked up..
I cleared my voice..
"Johnson's Alley pizza & wing delivery services, what can we get for you.."

There was silence then loud laughter on the other end..
I squinted at the phone and put it on speaker..
"You know what, if I didn't have this whole dock on surveillance cameras for a spilt second I would have really thought you were the pizza man.. you know what that made me laugh and since I'm in a great mood I'll cut yous moolies a deal.. I don't work with docks anymore it's way too risky you guys want the work my people will flash their headlights three times.. exchange the cash and this u-haul that's pulling up beside you now will be yours fully gassed up, figure out how you wanna get it out of here.. from now on if you want work from me we'll use that truck.. don't worry about anything else I'll take care of the politics.. we have a deal?"

I looked around at my boys and they all nodded as if to say let's just see where this goes..
But I knew we just needed this last shipment to come up on this last couple million's so we could fully go clean and fully focus on our record label..

"Word is bond..."
I said leaving it at that..

"HA! HA! HA!... I like you, we gotta do business more often kid you're quick on your feet, yous move smart and I like that.. hopefully I'll be hearing from you soon."
With that being said he hung up and beyond our doubts everything went smoothly..
I decided to drive the work back to Queens alone and have them meet me there at our spot..
See I was a different type of nigga, I had a different frame of mind.. The way I seen it is if some shit popped off it would all fall back on me..
I knew I had a support system in them to hold my baby girl down.. but I couldn't have my boys take the fall.. they never knew I felt that way or seen things like that and if they did they would smooth clean cuss me out which is why I made up some other shit as to why I wanted to take the work instead..
Them niggas are way too loyal to me they'd do 100 years if it meant not ratting and coming between what we built..
But I'm a different type of head honcho and like I said my loyalty was a tad bit deeper than having my niggas take the fall for me.. That there concept has always been wack to me.
But needless to say the man above must have a good one on my side cause we made it back to our building in Queens untouched and in one..

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