The Less I Know The Better!

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*"She said, It's not now or never
Wait ten years, we'll be together..
I said, Better late than never
Just don't make me wait forever.
Don't make me wait forever,
Don't make me wait forever."
_Tame Impala- The Less I Know The Better*

Eyes of Kai:

I spent the rest of the day with Joshua and Marina and had such a great time.
The next morning I woke up to us all sleep in front of the TV.
I would be lying if I said I never had these feeling of what this would feel like to just enjoy a stress free day with someone that took my mind away from the world, someone that I adored just as much as they do me.
Joshua came with a package deal; his amazing daughter Marina.
The down side to this for some women would be her mother but no matter what she was always gonna be her mother and it was up to me to decide whether this was something I could handle.
Yet and still I came with my baggage, and it was me.
And I was a task at hand as well.
Marina I could deal with simply because being there for that little girl makes me happy, her mother on the other hand is out of my hands all I can do is remain a lady and be the best friend I can be to Joshua.
I sat there and watched Joshua and Marina sleep, I felt as if though I was watching a re-run of me and my father when I was little.
How precious these moments would be for Marina and how she'll never forget these nights and moments.
That just warmed a spot in me I never thought I could have for a child I didn't have on my own.
It made it easy to like him even more.

I was so caught in my thoughts I didn't even notice Joshua laying there staring at me..
I smiled meeting his glance.
"Waddup Nerd Tron 3000."
He said with a morning baritone faintly stretching

I said nodding his way as Marina stayed sleep.
We had a complete stare down until the doorbell rang..
He got up shaking his head..

"It's always sunin' ain't it?"
He said yawning and flicking my chin sticking out his tongue at me..
Little things he did like the made me melt, just the simple things.
Didn't matter what was on the other side of that door though I was curious.
He looked back at me..
"You tryna get this one Kai Deezy?"

I laughed..
"No, this is your house, your door! Handle that, handle all of that!"

He laughed shaking his head and pulling at his beard..
"Damn I thought you'd take one for the team but I'ma handle that I'ma handle all of that!"

"Get the door!"
I said rolling my eyes getting up to straighten up but making sure not to wake Marina all at once..

Eyes of Joshua:

I didn't even bother to look through the peep whole
I just opened the door expecting the worst..
One thing I've learned is when something good happens in my world something crazy follows..
There was no way I was gonna have a peaceful night with my favorite girl and my newest favorite girl and it all be "good".
I didn't even look up as I opened the door, I just brushed my hand down my face.

"Well are you gonna let me in or are you gonna stand there and look stressed out."

I looked up..
"Oooh shoot! Grandma!"
I said swooping her into a long hug..
"What you doing hea'?"

She laughed as she came in and I closed the door behind her..
"Well I didn't realize I needed a invitation to see my grand-baby!"
She said standing with her hands on her hips..
"Let me get a good look at you."
I stopped posing for her so that she could take in all the handsomely gifts that stud before her.

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