Chapter Eight

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Anastasia's POV

After a much needed run, I stopped back home to take a quick shower and change into a fresh uniform. I needed to speak with Marcus and come to some resemblance of an agreement on what to do next for our rogue problem. I didn't feel like dragging this out more than it already has. And after the attack I'm not so sure that these are like any other rogue attacks.

I have a feeling that there's more to the picture, we just haven't seen it yet. Luna and I have been on edge since the day of the attack. Something isn't adding up. Rogues are wolves that stray onto their own path. Not form into something of a pack.

I'll have to get Theo's thoughts on this, a fresh set of eyes from this angle will help.


"Ask Alpha Black, he is greatly knowledgeable when it comes to things such as this" Marcus said nonchalantly.

Frustrated with his careless attitude, I stood.

"With all due respect Alpha, I think I can handle this on my own with my men. It's not Alpha Blacks responsibility to protect us. It's mine."     I said with a hard stare as he typed away at his lap top.

Then he stopped and looked up at me, disapproval clear as day on his face.

"Actually, Miss Roswell it's not. It's MINE. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were starting to forget your place. You're the lead warrior in my pack Ana, that's it. Now go, I'll let you know if I come up with anything. As for now, double boarder patrol and have everyone on their toes."    He finished in a short and irritated tone.

"Yes Alpha"   Is all I said, for fear of saying what I really wanted to.

"You're dismissed Ana"   He said

I tilted my head slightly and left silently.

'I'd like to rip his throat out, he's so disrespectful!'     Luna piped in after leaving Marcus' office.

'His ego is too big for his own good. We'll handle this how we want now, that way nobody else suffers the consequences' I said with finality clear in my voice.


As I made my way towards the training fields I couldn't help but slip in a few thoughts about my mate. Alpha Black. He was tall, standing at least 6'5, and he had hair as black as the nights sky , with eyes cold and colored that of amber gold. His eyes are what captivated me the most, besides his dark luscious strands on his head. His eyes glow with an intensity that made me want to stare yet look away all at once. His skin was sun kissed and tan.

There's no doubt a physical attraction to him but I can't let that get in the way of my work right now. I have rogues snapping at the borders and young pups in training. To top it off I have an Alpha that is beyond needy. I have no room for extras right now.

My thoughts are pushed aside when I reach the training fields. The pups on one end running sprints and the others in hand to hand combat to the other side.

I observe for a minute, scouting and watching. The pups are progressing but have quite a ways to go yet.

Theo is shouting at some of them, trying to keep them moving. Unsuccessfully at that, that is until I stand next to him and they notice my presence. Some stop for a second staring like they've been caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

"How many do they have left?"   I ask Theo.

"15 left of the 50 assigned."  He says with a hint of irritation.

"Looks as though some of them are in need of some motivation, let me help"   I reply

"Everyone back to the base line!"  I shout loud enough for them to hear. They're all back to the baseline within 10 seconds.

" It seems as though some of you are in need of motivation, since I'm feeling nice I won't make you restart. However, I do suggest that you finish your sprints as if your lives depend on it, and for every person I catch lagging, another 10 sprints will be added, for everyone."   I finish with a slight growl.

"You may begin"  I announce walking back towards Theo.

I hear the thudding of feet behind me, letting me know they have started. As I stand next to Theo I catch him grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

"And what is so funny?"  I ask with a slight grin.

"Nothing. Just remembering when that was us and you almost ripping me a new one for slacking off."  He finished with a slight chuckle.

"Ahhh I do remember that, I also remember whipping your ass the next day when we all raced"  I laughed smugly.

"Hey, I let you win!"  He tried to defend.

"Yeah in your dreams buddy" I outright laughed at his pouting face.

Towards the end I had added thirty extra sprints for the trainees. They must have thought I was joking, well I wasn't.

I waited until they were done with their sprints and let them grab a drink of water.

"Alright crew bring it in, we need to have a talk before I relieve you for the day"  I announced.

After grabbing some water they all lined up in front of Theo and I waiting for me to speak.

"As you all know, we have rogues sniffing around our borders and there have already been a few attacks. The Alpha has given me free reign to handle this situation as he has other duties to see to and a guest to attend to as well-"

I stop to look each and every one of them in the eye, letting them know not to disturb their Alpha by any means. After a minute or so I clear my throat and continue on.

"We have gone through the basics of hand to hand combat, however starting tomorrow morning at 5am sharp, you all will start defensive and offensive training....but in your fur. So eat up and rest well ladies and gentlemen, I'll see you here tomorrow at 5am."  I say and dismissed them.

Let's hope Marcus doesn't come sniffing around...

Hello my loves!!! Short chapter I know, I apologize for going MIA for a bit. But I'm back! Vote, comment and let me know what you think! 💭😄

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