Prince of Piano [Arc 4.1]

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When old Mooney had still been alive, he had liked Avi so much that he had made a verbal engagement with old Deere that when Avi turned 19, he would let Avi marry his own grandson Faith.

After some consideration, old Deere felt that since the relationship between the two families was so good, if Avi married Faith, the Mooney family would definitely not treat Avi badly. Even though old Mooney’s son wasn’t all that great, his son’s son seemed to still be pretty good. Old Mooney’s body was also much healthier than his own, so he should have no problems watching over Avi until he reached adulthood. Based on what he understood of him over the past several decades, this old fellow’s character was quite trustworthy, and he would definitely not treat Avi poorly.

Faith was five years older than Avi and took care of him very well. The two children had a wonderful relationship—they would often live over in each other’s homes and play together and learn musical instruments together.

Old Deere had asked Avi, after you grow up, are you willing to marry Faith and live in the Mooney home?

Avi, who was still very ignorant at that time, looked at old Deere with his eyes that looked like a pair of black pearls and asked, then I won’t be able to return home anymore?

Old Deere responded, your home will always be here. Whenever you want to return home you can come back, and you can even bring Faith back together.

Avi’s eyes immediately brightened and he said, I’m willing, I have already agreed with Faith that when I grow older we will get married. Old Deere had smiled with relief.

Before he had departed from the world, old Deere had entrusted Avi’s custody and guardianship rights, as well as the Deere family’s properties, all to old Mooney.

But God’s plans supersede our own. Only a year later, old Mooney suddenly died.

Avi’s custody, guardianship, and the Deere family’s properties were all taken over by old Mooney’s son, Kurt Mooney. Even though Kurt’s character was not great, but for the sake of such a large fortune, he could be considered to treat Avi all right.

But Kurt’s ability was not enough. Not long after he had taken over the family business, a big crisis arose. Thus he thought of the idea of using the Deere family’s property. He was only keeping the Deere family’s property on Avi’s behalf, and when Avi reached adulthood, according to the law, those properties needed to be immediately returned to Avi. If they delayed and did not return them, Avi could force them to return his properties through the court. Then if Kurt still couldn’t take them out, he could only wait to be thrown in jail.

But Kurt thought, in any case, after Avi grew up he would get married to Faith. Then at that time the Deere family’s properties would also become their own family’s assets. So he just used the properties to resolve the crisis this time.

Avi could be considered to be living quite well in the Mooney house. Faith had always treated him quite well and taken care of him. Because Kurt had used his property, he still felt somewhat guilty about it, and treated Avi better than before.

Until Corrica’s appearance, everything slowly changed.

Corrica was one of the orphans who the Mooney family had helped to raise. After he revealed his extremely high talent in piano, he was taken back to the Mooney family and became the adopted son of the Mooney family.

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