Interstellar Internet Celebrity Live Broadcast Competition [Arc 3.5]

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Jake stood at the door looking down, Danny was hugging his head and hiding under the tree, his appearance was really too miserable. The other cabins could only accommodate 3 people, and even if there was some extra space, those other people would also not take the initiative to call him in.

Jake turned around to look at Jing Yang a few times, but he felt that he couldn’t really open his mouth. After all, Danny had previously never said any good words to him. The hail fell increasingly intensely, Danny obviously had been injured. He summoned his courage to request Jing Yang, “Can we let Danny come up? He seems to have been injured.”

Jing Yang continued his hand movements, while responding: “If you want to let him up, then you can just let down the ladder.”

“Thanks!” Jake didn’t know what kind of words he could use to express the appreciation in his heart, so he just extremely sincerely bowed a bit to Jing Yang.

“Danny!” Jake let down the ladder, and called down: “Quickly come up!”

Danny heard Jake calling himself and looked up while hugging his head. He saw the ladder was let down, and he no longer could care about his face or some other things, he ran over and quickly climbed up, he really was in too much pain.

Jake pulled Danny up, the two people entered the cabin. Danny sat in a corner to rest, his entire body was sore. His swollen lips moved slightly, using a vague sound to say thanks.

Jake also sat down, kneading his own arm. Just now when he was pulling Danny up he had been hit, not long afterward a bruise emerged. He thought, if he and Danny were still staying down there like yesterday, then by tomorrow morning they would definitely have been smashed to death. The organizers were really too ruthless.

From the ground there occasionally came some yelling, some cabins were directly smashed in, the hail punched in several holes in the roof. Then when the hail dropped in they smashed on the bodies, it was also very painful.

Danny had already fallen asleep in the corner. He really couldn’t stay awake, he was too tired and too sleepy. After Jing Yang and Jake finished making their crafts, they also each went to one side and immediately fell asleep.

It didn’t hail for as long as it had rained the previous night, but the destructive power was much bigger. Some cabins were smashed open directly, and the contestants covered themselves up with some wood to endure for a night. The majority of them were injured in some fashion, until the hail stopped after midnight, they finally fell asleep.

Jing Yang was again the first to wake up. He climbed down the tree, and the hail on the ground had already basically melted.

The people still dreaming were woken up by the fragrance of seafood porridge, they were tired and hungry and hurt, and still had to suffer this kind of torment of having delicacies in front of your eyes but still not being able to eat it. In this kind of mentally fragile state, even though for the time being no one had the thought of withdrawing from the competition, but when they looked at the seafood porridge on the bonfire, their eyes all shone with green light.

Jake opened his eyes with difficulty. He climbed up and looked down from the door. When he saw the seafood porridge still steaming on the fire, he immediately woke up and quickly climbed down.

Ruth ran over with big steps and crouched down: “So fragrant, give me a bowl.”

Jing Yang looked up at her with some surprise: “So early today?”

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