Interstellar Internet Celebrity Live Broadcast Competition [Arc 3.3]

Start from the beginning

Jing Yang used a knife to cut the entire chicken into two halves, he placed one half on a different leaf, and for the other half he wrapped it back up in the original leaf and put it to one side. He cut the half of the chicken still left out into small chunks, and then started using his hands to eat them.

In the afternoon, everyone had seen Jing Yang bring back a golden pheasant. Wild golden pheasants could only be eaten in the fanciest restaurants, and the price was also very expensive. Most of the people here had never eaten it before, but just from smelling the fragrance, they all almost started drooling directly.

The fragrance that wafted over from Jing Yang’s side was too fragrant, too alluring, the crowd of people who had labored for an entire day were hungry to the point of their stomachs growling. Waiting for when their own roasting chicken was finally good to eat, they couldn’t wait to bite in, but when it entered their mouth it tasted like a sponge, very hard to swallow.

“You’re not eating meat?” Danny asked Jake, who was currently biting into some fruit.

“No need, it’s too hard to eat.” Jake shook his head to reject it, his eyes constantly staring at Jing Yang’s side. They were located relatively close to Jing Yang, just with his naked eye, he would be able to see the meat in Jing Yang’s hands, the quality was definitely great. Plus the fragrance wafting over, he didn’t even need to taste it to know that the flavor would definitely be amazing.

“We still don’t know how long the first round of the competition is going to continue, if you don’t eat some meat it’ll be very hard for you to keep going.” Danny said.

Jake still shook his head, the delicacies were right in front of his eyes but he was unable to eat it, for him this was a huge torment. Then if he still was going to eat some bad tasting food, he would rather just starve.

Jing Yang extinguished his bonfire and then tidied up his area, quickly climbing up his ladder to his treehouse to rest. He propped open his window, letting in the cool, refreshing sea breeze, and then lay back on the soft hay. The leaves under his body were like satin sheets, very comfortable.

Everyone had been working hard for a day, after they finished eating, they all entered their homes to rest early. They would raise their spirits, and only then would they have the energy to continue the competition.

Just when everyone was hazily falling asleep, suddenly large gusts of wind came blowing through, raindrops the size of beans quickly fell down. Everyone was shocked awake, finding it strange that it had suddenly started raining. Some people opened the door to their cabins to peek out, looking up into the sky. Originally the winds and rain were being manufactured from the airships, this was what Ruth meant by “surprise.”

The organizers wanted to test out just how strong their cabins were. This would also be within their scoring range.

Jing Yang sat up and closed his windows, and then laid back down again. Even though the sky had already turned dark, every person’s flying camera had their own lighting, otherwise they would not be able to film. So the cabin inside was still quite bright, not dark at all. Jing Yang reached out to grab a fruit, and then put up his feet to leisurely gnaw on it.

The wind grew bigger, the leaves started rustling from all the wind, and the weaker, thinner trees showed some signs of bending. In such a large wind, those “makeshift” cabins naturally wouldn’t be able to withstand, two teams’ roofs were directly blown away.

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