Chapter 26: Shoving The Sword Threw The Shield

Start from the beginning

"Hm what's the password" Delevio pondered.

"Kaijoken" London replied, looking down at a note pad.

"How'd you? -" Delevio started.

The two were silent as they took a moment to stare at the notepad. They were pleased with Doctor Buhre's stupidity.

"Who the fuck writes their password on a notepad?" London said.

"I know right?" Delevio replied.

London logged in and saw they hit the jackpot, "Holy Shit - this dude created pretty much all of the weapons and vehicles in the Surren millitary... I think we might need another drive"

"Lucky for you I grabbed an extra one" Delevio replied.

"What would I do without you?" London replied.

Delevio shrugged, then she handed it to him and looked at the door to make sure no one was coming, London started to download the files and blueprints. Once the first drive was loaded with information, Delevio plugged the second drive in while London kept watch, this time a Lopunny entered the room, London grabbed her and stuck her in the back with a needle that erased her memory.

"Will she remember anything?" Delevio asked.

"Anything before we stuck her with the needle" London replied as he set her by the file cabinet.

Once the second drive sapped everything, Delevio pulled it from the computer and gestured for London to leave, she followed him and closed the door behind her. The two slipped the key cards back into the pockets of the officers uniforms and left the building. Doctor Buhre returned to his office and logged in when he saw his designs were gone, he started frantically clicking, nothing was there. He called security.

"Yes Dr. Buhre?" The officer said.

"Hello, has anyone been in my office?" He asked.

"Let me check sir... " The Wooloo took a moment to check on the cameras... He found nothing, Isabel erased the footage of the two entering the office and leaving the building, "... No, no one has been in your office"

"There had to have been, m-my computer is wiped clean! -" He noticed the Lopunny London tranquilized was waking up, Buhre crossed his arms, "What are you doing in my office?"

"Huh Wha? I came to collect an incident report, I don't know why I'm even lying here" She replied.

It took Buhre a moment to realised that a spy had gotten hold of the information he saved on his computer, " - Call high command... It appears we have a spy in the midst of our millitary"

"Y-Yes sir" She replied.

- - -

"Did you get the intel?" Greene asked, looking from his computer.

"Yeah, one of the few times we didn't kill anymon" Delevio replied.

"I mean we almost got caught by a staff member but we sedated her before she could call for assistance" London added, he handed Greene the drives.

The Arcanine took them and plugged them into his computer, then he started going in through the files, he was impressed with what he saw, Infront of him were blueprints, test videos, and concepts of weapons, tanks, vehicles, chemical formulas, and guns... But what really caught his eyes was a design for a satellite missile launcher.

"It's a good thing you got this info" Greene said, gesturing for them to come over.

London and Delevio saw the satellite and gazed at the blueprints, they were amazed at how complicated it looked.

"Bloody hell" London whispered.

"Paine really is fuckin crazy" Delevio whispered.

"Agreed... I'll give these to the president, you two are dismissed and can go home" Greene replied.

- - -

When London got home, Benoit gave him a hug, "Your safe!"

"Yeah, I'm safe, how's Tokyo?" London asked.

"His English is very advanced now! You'd be impressed" Benoit replied.

"You're home!" Tokyo squeaked, he ran into London hugging him tightly.

"You can speak English!" London said excitedly.

"I know, are you happy?" He asked.

London kissed his forehead, "Of course I am"

"I wanna watch a movie!" Tokyo squeaked, jumping up and down excitedly.

"Me too!" Benoit added.

London laughed, "Alright... What do you two wanna watch?"

Agent London Flareon Volume 2. 🇬🇧🇯🇵🇸🇪🇫🇷🇮🇪Where stories live. Discover now