14. The Elemental Sorceress

Start from the beginning

Anger flashed across Erdudvyl's face. "We elves do not lower ourselves to the base desires that humans have. And we do know how to embrace when required. We do?" her voice trailed off as the words left her mouth.

Ethelston was taking satisfaction in seeing Erdudvyl stutter through her own words. "When did you last embrace Erdudvyl?"

"I, umm, I..." she stuttered, her pale cheeks starting to glow crimson red.

"Enough you two!" an exasperated Loldirr exclaimed. She stormed towards the tower door.

"Where are you going?" Erdudvyl asked.

"Away from you two. I need to think and not have to deal with conversations on embracing."

Loldirr turned away from them both with the faint sound of Erdudvyl scolding Ethelston the last thing that she could hear.

The young red-haired hunter needed to have a brief respite from the number of worries that currently plagued her mind. Until recently she had wanted nothing but adventure, but now that she had it, she wanted to escape this reality. The adventure hadn't been fun, it had been costly and finding out who she apparently is, was a burden that she was struggling to control.

Entering an empty spacious room, she studied the elven etchings that were engraved into the walls. "Spennels êower folgoð sam molsnian to ofergeatu," she spoke quietly to herself as she rubbed her hand against one of the engravings. "Embrace your destiny or perish in oblivion."

It appeared that these words had far more meaning than she had anticipated. This destiny that had been put before her, Emperess and Sorceress, was one that she was trying to run from. Perhaps running was no longer an option.

"Your elven is very good for a Wiðgýnan." a calm male voice called to her unexpectedly.

Startled, she spun around almost prepared for a fight until she saw the pale-skinned face of Vaalyun, the high priest of the tower. His long flowing purple and golden robes with elven words sewn into it, along with his golden and platinum staff seemed to scream of royalty. Loldirr wasn't sure whether to bow or not.

"You startled me, my Lord." Loldirr responded with her head slightly lowered.

He seemed to enjoy the unnecessary sign of respect shown towards him. "Where did you learn?"

"My guardian, Lord Edric Darke, he instructed me to learn Elven, among other languages."

"It's good to know that not all humans are simple and know that they should learn a superior language." Vaalyun responded while looking directly at the words Loldirr had just spoken.

Loldirr was determined to not let the insult cause a reaction within her.

"My daughter, Erdudvyl, is naive and is determined to prove that her visions are true by forcing you to do tasks you are clearly not skilled for." Vaalyun continued referring to the tasks with the flower.

Once again, Loldirr refrained from responding in an aggressive or agitated tone.

Turning his head towards Loldirr, Vaalyun smiled, aware that he was getting a rise of frustration from the young woman.

"Many within this tower believe that you and your companion should be removed from this establishment. While I agree with them, for the sake of my daughter, I allow you to remain."

If he wanted thanks, there was no way Loldirr was about to give him the satisfaction. "And Ethelston?"

A frown quickly flashed across Vaalyun's face before returning to its original creaseless origins. "Humans are abrupt, destructive individuals whose sole purpose is to create chaos. Your companion personifies this and for your benefit, he should be persuaded to go elsewhere."

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