Chapter 37: Poems Are Not Always Sweet

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He Rejected Me. But We're Meant to Be.
Chapter 37: Poems Are Not Always Sweet

I FINALLY UPDATED. I'm sorry if there are a lot of errors are there probably are. I'm at to the hair salon right now and I just typed this chapter on my phone. 😂😂😂 I know it's kind of short but I kinda like it. SORRY FOR THE WAIT AND ENJOY.


Savannah's POV

I huffed and puffed heavily, trying to get oxygen into my lungs.
"Damn Jacob" I hissed. "Shit, you fight hard."
He smirked in victory. "Why thank you."
"Are you happy now? That you finally got to kick my ass? Are we even?" I asked.
"Yeah, we're even." He nodded and he stuck his arm out and shook my hand.
"Even though technically you're the one who broke my project, asshole." I glared.
"Yeah but then you made a crude comment about my past. That's like a double blow there, Sav, and you know it."
I sighed, "I know and I'm still really sorry about that. I didn't meant it, it just slipped."
"I know, it's alright. I'll forget you said that if you forget that I broke your project. Deal?"
"Deal" And we soon hands again.
"But you're still doing it over for me." I added.
"Aw come on, seriously?" He groaned.
"Yup" I happily smirked and strutted away from him to go take a shower.

After I got out of the shower, I dried and wrapped myself in my green, sweet mint scented towel and walked out. I sat on Aaron's bed getting ready to lotion myself when I felt something crinkle underneath me. I lifted it and it was an envelope with my name on it.
How did I not notice it when I sat down?
Anyways, I ripped it open to see poem structured letter written in messy script.
I tried to read it as best as possible.
"Roses are red, violets are blue,
You better watch out, we're coming for you.
You may think we're far,
But we're closer than you know,
So listen up now,
This is how it goes.
You know who I am,
But you'll never know,
Tell your Alpha game's over,
One, two, three, GO!"
Beads of sweat started to form on my dry skin. I was beginning to get scared.
Who wrote this to me?
Why did they write this?
What do they want?
Should I tell Aaron?
He already has enough on his mind now, he doesn't need the stress of a creepy poem to add to his weight.
*We're his mate, stupid. Of course he should know!* My wolf scolded me.
*But he's Aaron, you know what'll happen when he sees this.*
*And you know what'll happen if he doesn't. Someone could possibly be attacking us and you're the only one who knows. You need to the think about the safety of everyone else to Savannah. That's our job as Luna, remember that.*
*But whoever this freak is, clearly stated that he was coming after me!*
*And you think the pack is gonna let you get taken away without a fight? You're their LUNA for crying out loud. You're more important to them than anything. You need to tell him now, Sav, before something bad happens.* And then she cut me off to leave me in my scared misery and guilt.
*Come to your room* I mind-linked Aaron.
*I'm working out, can it wait, babe?*
*Please* I asked again.
*Is everything okay, Sav?*
*Just come* I said simply.
*I'll be right there* He replied and within a minute he barged through the door.
I quickly stood up as he entered the room and walked to me
"Is everything okay?" He asked, searching for an answer in my eyes.
Soon then his eyes roamed down my towel wrapped body and smirked.
"Is this what you called me up here for?" He asked, coming closer and kissed my forehead. "You could've just asked." He kissed my lips, shoving me against the wall.
"No, Aaron stop." I said in all seriousness.
"Mhmm" He mumbled as his lips trailed down to my neck.
"No, Aaron, seriously stop. That's not why I called you up here." I said, my voice laced with annoyance and fear.
He lifted his head up and searched my eyes, noticing the fear.
"Sav, what's wrong?" His voice laced with worry as he cupped my face.
"This" I said as I lifted the paper up to his face.
His face scrunched up in confusion and he took the paper out if my hand and flipped it back and forth. "What is this?" I asked, looking back at me.
"A poem" I replied.
"About what?" He asked.
"Read it"
He looked at me wearily before looking back down at the paper and whispering the words to himself.
After about 30 seconds, his knuckles were white and he looked up at me with confusion and rage clear in his eyes.
"Who the fuck wrote this?" He hissed
"I don't know. I came out of the shower and it was sitting on your bed in an envelope with my name on it." I shrugged.
"Someone was in here while you were showering?!" He growled possessively.
"I don't know"
"Can you say something else besides 'I don't know'?!" He exasperated.
"What else do you want me to say, Aaron? I don't know what the hell is going on!" I screamed back.
He sighed and raked his hands through his sweaty and messy hair.
He stepped closer to me, wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry, I didn't meant to shout at you but this is just freaking me out. I can't have anything happen to you. I lost you once, I'm not losing you again." He spoke and hugged me tighter.
"I know, it's okay." I kissed his chest.
"Why do I have a damn feeling it's Joshua?"
"Because he's the only one after you right now. He hates your guts and he wants you dead."
"Wow, thanks." He rolled his eyes.
"Just stating the obvious."
"I'm just still wondering how he or whoever he sent got in here. The border is severely guarded after last time. Nobody could have possibly gotten through."
"Maybe it's someone in the pack." I said, which I probably shouldn't have assumed at the moment.
"You think someone is committing treason?"
"Possibly?" I said but it came out more like a question.
"It can't be. Everyone loves each other here and loves it here, how could somebody betray us?" He asked in thought.
"Maybe their jealous or they've been with Joshua from the beginning. Or maybe they just secretly hate you." I giggled at the last part.
"Not funny, Sav." He rolled his eyes.
I shoved his shoulder with one arm, "Oh, come on, it can't be that serious can it? And I highly doubt someone from our pack is betraying us. It's probably some idiot Joshua sent and he somehow got in."
"Are you kidding? Of course it's that serious, Sav! They threatened your life and whether joking or not, you don't threatens an Alpha's mate and get away with it." He growled.
"Okay bu--"
My message tone went off on the night stand and I turned around to pick up my phone and opened it to look at it.
It read: Message from Unknown Number.
My eyes widened the size of saucers and fear struck me again as I read the message.
"Ever wonder what's going on when your back is turned?
Don't worry, it's a lesson you will soon have learned.
Because it's coming, we're coming
A revenge soon returned..."
-- J

Again I'm sorry if there are a lot of errors, I just typed this chapter on my phone and yah you know how that works out😂😂😂. I know it's kind of short but I love the mysterious was it it.
So who do you guys think "J" is? 😏
And please don't go commenting saying that I'm copying Pretty Little Liars because I'm not. So please don't go start that whole commotion.



XOXO, Alysia

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