Gourmet Food Heir [Arc 1.13]

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“Have you forgotten what I asked you on that day?” Jing Yang responded. “Ever since I was born, have you ever experienced a bit of fatherly responsibility, have you ever nurtured me? When I was young, you never even held me, and never gave me good face once. Plus all of the matters that you have done in the Lu family, even you did want to let me give you filial piety, what qualifications do you have to make that kind of request?”

“You also shouldn’t forget, no matter what you say, I gave you life, and my blood flows in your veins. If I didn’t exist, you wouldn’t exist.” Zheng Jianlin pounded his chest.

“Even if you didn’t exist I would still be Lu Xuexian’s son, and I would still be the heir to the Lu family. But you, if you hadn’t been my father, for what reason would you think that you would be able to appropriate all of the Lu family restaurants? Your greedy and insatiable personality makes you never satisfied, you want to take my current assets and the Lu family ancestral residence, and completely bring them into your hand, then you will finally be satisfied, right?”

Zheng Jianlin’s face was unpleasant, angered to the point of not being able to speak. Zheng Junming who was standing behind him opened his mouth to refute on his behalf. “You’re the one who attaches that much importance to wealth these things, don’t always think that other people will want to take your things, even being suspicious of your own biological father.”

Jing Yang looked at Zheng Junming with no expression. “What qualification do you have to stand here and speak to me? I never questioned you, yet you actually came up to me. Don’t you always repeat over and over that my mother treated you badly, that the Lu family obstructed the love between your parents, that you really hate the Lu family ma? On the one hand you say that you loathe it, on the other hand you still calmly enjoy everything that the Lu family brought to you, you live in the Lu family’s house, you learn the Lu family’s cooking, and then you still unceasingly discredit the Lu family. If you don’t want the Lu family’s wealth, then why would you change the Lu De Ji into Zheng De Ji, why would you want to chase out all of my grandfather’s disciples? Isn’t it just so that there would be no one able to give support and testify for me, so that you all can properly occupy the Lu family assets in an aboveboard manner?”

The guests whispered to each other quietly, and some people pointed with blame at Zheng Junming, their eyes were filled with disdain. Ordinary people may not be able to see the intentions of the Zheng father and son, but they were all able to understand. Their methods couldn’t be considered brilliant, they could only trick some girls online who had never seen the world. But these old foxes had already seen many methods much more clever than this.

“Your own heart is malicious and sinister, and you still say that other people are hypocritical! Giving birth to such a shameless son like you is the biggest failure of my life!” Zheng Jianlin pointed at Jing Yang, raining curses.

“I’ll say for the last time, either you all quickly roll out for me, or else don’t blame me for not leaving you any sentiment and making everything public today!” Jing Yang gave him one final warning.

“Good ah, it’s best for you to publish everything out, I want to see what you have to say!” Zheng Jianlin did not believe at all that he would have any real evidence, at best he would only say out the old matters that he had heard from Guo Long and Wang Yong. He had long ago thought of how he should refute those.

Jing Yang turned around to give a key to Chen Rui. “You go to my lounge and take out the VCR from the drawer next to my bed. Also let people bring over a TV.”

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