Gourmet Food Heir [Arc 1.2]

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Putting the chopped vegetables to one side, Lu Jingyu was preparing to start cutting the meat when he raised his head to look at him (CR). “Where am I different?”

“I thought that you drank too much last night and now should have been in a hungover state, at least with a dispirited expression, but for some reason you actually look radiant, as if you’ve become even more handsome than before.” Chen Rui wasn’t really trying to compliment him, but truly felt that he looked different, carefully observing his state, it seemed like he had changed into a different person.

“Thanks for the compliment, but I didn’t become more handsome, rather I have always been this handsome.” Jing Yang turned to face the stove and placed the ingredients into the pot.

Lu Jingyu inherited his mother’s appearance, so naturally don’t need to mention his features being exquisite and handsome, but because he started drinking since he was in his teens, his body had long been ruined by all the alcohol, and then adding on his stifling dejection, his entire being seemed to be shrouded in depression and gloom. Obviously he was only a youth in his early twenties, yet his face was covered in a layer of vicissitudes.

Now, however, the system had not only raised his cooking ability, but also improved the health of his body, along with even his charisma and temperament. So for Chen Rui, who was very familiar with Lu Jingyu, he would feel like he had become a different person.

“Smells so good.” Chen Rui sniffed. “What kind of fried rice did you make, why would it be so fragrant?”

“Just some ordinary fried rice.” Jing Yang scooped the fried rice in the pot into two plates, passing one to Chen Rui. “Try it and see how it tastes.”

While he was making the fried rice, Jing Yang already felt an obvious promotion in his cooking, whether it was his chopping skills for the meat, or his control of the fire temperature and timing. There were even other techniques he had never known about that his brain would subconsciously control his body to complete.

Chen Rui looked at the fried rice with its distinctly separated grains, the mix of vegetables and meat stimulated his appetite. When he tasted a mouthful and had only chewed a few times, he closed his eyes with emotion. “It’s too good! Bro, this is definitely the best fried rice I’ve ever eaten in my life.”

Jing Yang tried a couple mouthfuls and also felt totally satisfied. The rice grains looked fresh, not greasy at all, and after chewing, basically every grain of rice brought the taste of the meat juices and vegetable flavor. Jing Yang had been a chef before, so he knew that the simpler the dish, the harder it is to make it especially delicious. For this fried rice, he could give himself a 10 rating without any modesty.

As he thought about some dishes that he had wanted to do previously but never knew how to make well, the processes and details of the recipes instantly appeared in his mind. He smiled, this system was truly useful, even the dishes that were already lost in this world could be found.

Chen Rui scraped his plate totally clean, without leaving behind even a half grain of rice, and even instantly changed his habit of drinking water immediately after eating, since he couldn’t bear washing away the flavor remaining in his mouth. “Bro, were you possessed by the kitchen god today? I’ve eaten your food so many times, your skill today was really really really really amazing.”

“You stuttering?” Jing Yang looked at him laughingly, conveniently cleaning up the kitchen.

“I’m just using a forceful tone to express how delicious your fried rice was.”

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