My Perfect Potato

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OK I am going INSANE, physics sucks and the projects suck harder. I am quite pissed because I HATE DOING GROUP WORK unless if its with someone I love, like my best friends or someone who will actually do the work and not just leave it till the last minute. Anyway so in this chapter I will talk about my perfect half, the one I wish to marry, don't call me shallow but I've got a thing for looks, Let The List Begin:
1) Clean teeth, not stained with coffee or tee... ect (Bonus points if they are white)
2) Nice body, does not look like my uncle Stan, who is a harry guy that scares me to death in my nightmares (Extra Bonus points is he has AbS)
3) Smells nice. (I have a thing for hygiene and perfumes, quite creepy if you ask me. One time me and my friend where passing a shop and I smelled an amazing smell, long story short it turned out to be a 60 year old man with a good taste in perfume.)
4) Has the same taste in books as me
5) Can sing
6) Loves to cook
7) Is loving and caring and always tries to make me smile
8) He loves to have playful fights.
9) Is kind of romantic
10) Knows how to handle my mood swings, esp. when I am riding the Crimson Waves
11) Is generous
12) Loves Children
13) Loves me for who I am
14) Taller then me (I have a thing for high heels)
15) A badass who has a sweet spot just for me
16) Loves my family
Well thats about it they are a lot of rules but thats just the perfect guy for me; I know this is very short update but I really am trying. Anyway tell me who you think is the perfect guy for you. Changing ideas what do you think of bands? My favorite are All Time Low and Sleeping With Sirens, the other awesome bands are:-
-The Scrips
-Of Mice & Men
-Falling in Reverse
-Peirce The Viel
-Fall Out Boy
-30 Seconds To Mars
-Arctic Monkeys
-My Chemical Romance
Soo who is your favorite band ?!? And can you put a smile on your face ? Ok thank you ❤️❤️
I love you guys thank you for the folowers that continue to read, please tell me who you are so I can dedicate
the next chapter to you :D

Journey  in My MindOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora