In My Mind

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I normally never update so three times in a row that must be put in some Guinness records or  something. I don't know why but right now I am feeling down, maybe it is because I am listening to Waves by Mr. Probz, or maybe its because I am living in my past... I just dont understand why my moods are changing faster then a fangirl running towards her idol.. agh being a girl is one tough job...  anyway I was wondering why? why do we ask why? I think I can't go a day without asking why, like today for instance I was wondering why the hell do I not get the same awesome tattoos that come from that brand of bubblegum like my brothers... and why did I have to not use the top coat on my nail so that tattoo I put on my middle finger would not fade away... so I have a little game, how about we go on about a week without thinking why or what if... be honest with your self  and see where it takes you....  I wish I was a child again, no responsibilities and no major problems, the biggest problem I had when I was a kid was not getting caught by my grandfather when we borrowed grapes from our nbrs without them knowing... I even wrote an essay about it last year.. I'll add it when I feel like typing the thing, it's not very long. A page and a half on a notebook... which brings me to my next thought... I think I am the ONY girl in the world who has the power to watch " The Notebook" but hasn't watched the movie.. this is very short and I dont know what I can write so yah... I feel this thing is completely usless... at least I am expressing myself somehow.. since I have stopped singing... alright people have fun with your life and please dont follow the rule YOLO because then you will live a short a life.. and I like you people I dont want you guys dead for one you are the people voting and commenting and reading this book for another I dont want you to die of OD or any crap like that because I like you.. btw this opens a dicusion " Would you rather live a LONG and BORING life or a SHORT life that is EXCITING ? "

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