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The art of photography has always been a scarce thing to me, it has been one of the things that I always respected.

It was an art that not many dared to master because it was a valuable and rare opportunity to be given. Today, however, we have phones that allow us to take thousands of selfies and aesthetic photos.

I feel like with time every moment has stopped having its value as everything can be documented for later watch.

The worst thing is that we take photos and videos and special events and we rarely ever give them the time of day they deserve.

We no longer feel the importance of the day, and we have become codependent on the art of documentation. This is why I believe we feel like days are passing so fast, that if you blink you might miss out a year of your life.

Although I respect all photographers, I just wish that people would stop abusing a beautiful part of art. Not everyone has to be a photographer, you can enjoy life as is.

Although I may be a hypocrite... I love taking photos of beautiful things, and memorable moments 😅

P.S: this lovely photo that is included is my screen saver :')

❤️ Believe in yourself and make sure to laugh tonight ❤️
-Taima 47

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