Can You Spot The Difference ?

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Ok so I have been reading stories about bullying and how bad some people have it and I am just like WOOW WOOW WOOW WAIT UP it actually gets THAT BAD??? I am an Arab *Don't start the hate please* and I have never witness anything this bad in my life. I have been bullied as a child dont get me wrong. I was different; too happy, too smart, too different. I always tried to fit in with the cool kids and I got once slapped in the face from one cool kid and when I asked her why she was like " I felt like it" or something like that... So yah we dooo have bullying but I... wait my point is pointless really because we still do have bullying but maybe its me and maybe its the fact that its less vicious where I am at. We Arab woman seem to like to backstab people and gossip about them more then say stuff to their face... ahhh maybe we are equal in some way with the amount of screw ups we have in this world... Don't get me wrong I, its just we all have that Regina George and her group of plastics in our school. Anyway I think the best way to get out of the after math of bullying (depression) is by being optimistic. Why does this all sound so much better in my head. Oh God, well anyway I will just write like I promised in the first chapter. The thing is I want to prove a point but after thinking about it I just cant seem to phrase it in the most significant and sophisticated way... Bullying is a problem caused by society, they are the ones who tell us who is in and who is left out, society tells us that being thin and tall will make you feel prettier, society seems to see that upper class are better then the lower class of people. Really when I get bullied I asses what they are throwing at me, is it due to having my lets call it, extra 1 Kg that if you own you become fat, or is it because I have been pigging out lately and I have to cut the amount of food I am supplying to my already full stomach. I don't get offended because I know they are flawed just like me, also I try to turn the negative into a positive by making my self a better image of what I want to be/whats healthy for me. I dress my own way but still follow the basic fashion rules, I eat enough (and not just salad and water), I make friends with who I want and I live the style I want. I follow rules but brake them when I feel they should be overruled. I make mistakes and if people point them out I laugh and tell them, "well aren't you an angle" get close to them and whisper their darkest fear. For I know people see me as the crazy girl who never shut up, but I am a listener when needed and I do hold dirt on most people... and if I don't well *evil smirk* I am not a bad person because I never expose their secrets.. I just simply remind them that they are human... To tell you the truth I don't actually go up to them and let them know I know what they don't want anyone to know... I just smile once point out my mistake because deep down both they and I know they are imperfect. Going back to the rule braking I don't do much, I just brake enough rules to make my life... how shall I put this, a bit more interesting. BTW I want to thank cupcakerex9 & Raghad_1998 for always being there for me, they have voted and comment and been active so yah, thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH. Anyway I just checked the amount of reads on my story and HOLY CHERRY FLAVORED FLYING POTATOES 1.1K READS AND 100 VOTES! You guys realy rock and I really respect you all, now I am going to talk about deleted stories on wattpad... LIKE THE HELL I LEAVE FOR ONE WEEK AND HALF OF MY FAVORITE BOOKKS ARE GONE, here are the book that I love and have been deleted
1) The Fault in Our Starbucks : Okay so my friend was nagging me to read this story and I downloaded on both my phone and tablet ( this tablet is not much but still, it saved my life more then once) so when I updated my library on my phone the story disappeared into the REMOVED section, so I started freaking out and I stopped my library from updating and read the story.. I loved the book and I dont get why people delete their books
2) Little Red : My friend loved this story more then The Fault in Our Stars ( Side Note: WhatI want to know is why on earth do we not know who the author of the book is after its deleted... potbelly because they know we will track them down, but still)
3) A State of Jane : Amazing story still don't get why it was removed
4) The Guy : See this story is the one that pisses me off the most, I dint get to read it because the internet connection died for a month YEAS A FREAKING MONTH and whne get back this is what I see, a story that I love a lot gone.
I've got more books but maybe thats for another time, anyway what story did you love and then you found out it was removed ?
BTW reminder no one has told me if I should post the small song on youtube, also I was thinking if I should create a new story.. I don't know what it is, but I know its going to be epic... Also if I decide to write the story I will write half of it before I start posting that way you will never get a late update.. hopefully.

ANYWAY I hope you enjoyed this update


DOn'T VotE
dOn'T coMmEnT
doN't bE AweSomE
Fun fact 1: about "awesome" when I was in grade 9 they had to do badges for all parents (for some party and what not ) and asked me to spell awesome, lets just say everyone did not know what to make out of the word xD
Fun Fact 2: My friend drew this on our arms and guess which ones mine?... not much of a fun fact buut meh.

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