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Love is a wonderful thing right? It makes you feel like cloud 9 when you are just talking to him, butterfly's erupt in your stomach and everything seems to look more beautiful. It's like when your iPhone screen is dark and you adjust the brightness and make it high, you see everything clearly and your eyes relax, but you should know increasing the brightness will cause consequences. For example the battery could finish faster, and it would die when you need it the most. Love is almost the same, it has the 100% of battery and you should know that sooner or later it will be empty. So, I advice teenagers skip love and all that crap until there at LEAST sixteen. Our hearts are broken and mended but for pre-teens it's harder to mend there hearts, some even go as far to kill themselves because there boyfriend broke up with them. I guess you are wondering who the hell I am, and how old I am, well I am called Taima and I am a 14 year old. I am no granny trapped in a teenagers body or any crap like that I just have moods where my wisdom rises. I guess I just learned these lessons to fast because in our generation things pass so quickly we forget to be stubborn teenagers, or maybe it's just me. But in the end do you even care about the girl on the other side typing this? Most probably not, but why should I care? I am just writing advice and it's you who chooses to take it or leave it.

Self Harm

Hey there, are you hurting yourself because you feel worthless, not good enough, a freak, a loser? Yes. We'll you are an IDIOT, don't you know someone out there loves you but is hiding it. Don't you think they will be hurt that you are hurting yourself, and why the hell do you think you are worthless, a freak, a loser may I ask? Aren't you a human being, don't you have a heart, a brain, a mouth or a pair of fine eyes ? Isn't that the definition of normal ? And if you don't have a pair of working eyes hands or legs does that make you a freak ? NO most definitely NOT, but the real question that you should ask yourself is are you unique? Well the answer is YES, you are not a freak and if anyone calls you that then they are idiots who don't know you, so why are your harming yourself because of there stupidity. Some people harm themselves because they have a problem that is causing pain, so they think by hurting themselves physically they numb the mental pain. You see my dear you feel mental pain and you think that these physical scars are helping to ease the pain, but the truth is your just adding to the pain, your making it physical. Each time you would stare at the scar you will remember the bad memories, so my advice just write everything you are feeling and rip it to pieces, burn it, recycle it, do anything to it just get rid of it, because my dear friend, it's from the past and you should focuses on the present and future.


You see music has its way of finding its way into your heart. It turns and turns and turns until it finds your weak point. Then it increases the feeling by 110 times, so if you where happy then you would become happier, and if your sad you'll get more upset. So you see when I tell you I was feeling pain you would not understand, but if I told listen to this song that contains the emotions I am feeling, then you would know. Music is very simple, finding a catchy beat and some lyrics that fit what emotions you are feeling. But beware sometimes you sing things that are not you, and then it becomes you. You see music is a captivating thing, it holds you hostage and breaks you apart. So when you feel down burn something don't listen to Welcome to My Life by Simple Plan, burn an image of the asshole or the exam or test... Just don't turn to music, because seriously it's a drug and you will get addicted, and you can't turn back once your hooked.

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