My Perfect Potato pt. 2

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A couple years ago I posted a chapter talking about how I'd like my future husband to be. As I have changed and now have a more unrealistic standard, I have decided to write a new list of what my standards are. Contrary to what I just said I think, well I'd like to think, that I have grown a bit since that post. So let us begin with the pink spotted elephant in the room. Looks.

Ever since my last update I've created a well thought out plan of percentages that I guess will be the rubric to defining my future relationship. Bare in mind that this is not including religion. As I am a muslim woman I can only marry a muslim man. Okay here we go:

40% on looks ( Jensen Ackeles takes a 36 so your girl has got pretty high standards)
This forty percent is divided into
5% Teeth
15% Hight (Needs to be taller I love wearing heels)
5% Eye color (Green, Brown, Hazel, Blue) The order is from most favored to meh.
15% On Hygiene, and if I'm feeling any sort of attraction.

Then there is one of the most important thing to me. How he smells, honestly the smell of someone makes or brake everything. Anyway I believe that should take a solid 30% but to be more "realistic" I'd let it have 5%.

Personally I find that personality is the one deserving the most digits so here goes how I divided the remaining 55%
15% On humor
15% On kindness
20% On loyalty
5% On anything I find appropriate  because I can't come up with anything atm.
10% On sense of adventure

Now, who knows I might end up falling in love and marrying someone that past me would not believe. God works in mysterious ways, and honestly at this point I either want three cats or a baby.

Also, there are somethings I will never stand down for. I like my life to be filled with a cold temperature, and I am not willing to deal with someone who believes 22 degrees Celsius is hot. Fun fact about me the hotter the temperature the higher the chance of getting me emotional is.

I want to name the babies... all of them, no compromise there.

Thats it. Those are all the list of requirements you need to fulfill to  be a part of the beautiful and unexciting life of mine 😂

Okay guys I'm just kidding, all though a lot of thought went into this, I just do not have that many requirements in real life. Although the temperature one was serious 100% I can't deal with heat.

Hope you guys are having a wonderful evening, we are getting closer to the last day of school... To the last chapter to be posted... I can't believe it.

❤️ Don't forget to smile, and find happiness in the little things ❤️

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