One Step Closer

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Danny wasn't sure if he was excited, scared, nervous, elated, or all of the above. They had successfully gotten the information on Sam, and now the detective and an entire ESU team was driving down to Jersey. The New Jersey police commissioner was more than happy to help; he had known Danny and the Reagans for nearly all of the oldest Reagan sibling's life.
"I just hope we're not too late," Danny mumbled, his heart pounding in his ears. He was convinced his ear drums would burst any second now. His knuckles were white and his eyes fixed on the road. He didn't want to look at anybody; he was convinced if he saw their pitying glances, he'd breakdown. He couldn't breakdown; he needed to be strong. It was his job- as a cop, as a husband, as a father, and as an ex-Marine.
"We won't be," Baez stated, looking at her partner. "Linda's tough. She'll fight until you're there, fighting for or with her."
"I hope so...."
"So they're on their way to Jersey to get the scum bag?" Eddie asked hopefully.
"Yeah. The bastards aren't even going to know what hit them," Jamie handed Eddie some of his onion rings. "It'll be just like last time. Danny will get Linda to a hospital, they'll come home, and he'll be even more paranoid and overprotective than he already is."
"Only this time they'll kill the bastards."
"Maybe. Maybe they'll want them to suffer in jail for the rest of their lives."
She nodded, "I just hope that they get there in time."
"So remember that they think I'm Sam," Danny was dressed in a black leather jacket, a white T-shirt, a baseball cap, and ripped jeans. He looked at his outfit, "I'm pretty sure I wore this in high school...."
Baez laughed, "as soon as we hear the signal, or we hear things get rough, we're going in. Shooting will most likely be a necessary."
"But be careful of Linda. She'll probably be in a room like last time, but we don't know. If somebody has a clean shot, but can't get him without hitting Linda, say 'please don't hurt my family'. Or 'don't hurt Danny's family'. She knows what that means." Danny explained, keeping his voice a whisper, "she's gonna drop to the ground, and anyone who has a shot, shoot the bastard."
"Ten four," the ESU leader nodded. "Ready, Reagan?"
"Ready." He turned on his hidden microphone. He started climbing out of the van, when Baez's hand touched his arm.
"Be careful."
He deftly nodded, took a deep breath, and walked into the warehouse. Luckily for him, Sam sounded almost exactly like the detective. The perps, though, were convinced that 'Sam' had a cold, working to Danny's advantage.
"Sam should be coming anytime now," the male perp told the lady. "You're gonna have fun with him. Or rather, he's gon' have fun with you."
The lady knitted her brows together in anger. She kicked the felon in the shin, and mumbled something beneath her restraint.
"Why you c-" he heard a sound from the main area, and simply slapped her across the face with his gun. The force knocked her, and the chair she was tied to, onto the cold, concrete floor. He stoop up, leaving her crying.

It's been a bit, and again, I'm sorry. But I'm re-reading some excellent fanfic, and get more inspo. Hopefully chapters will come to me more quickly then they have been

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