She's Declined

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A few days later, Danny reached for his coffee, looking at the computer screen. "This almost makes sense," he mused on their current case.
"I know," Baez agreed, "there's all these pieces that don't fit together, but somehow they do.... there's just one missing link, if we find that, we'll find our killer."
"At least we have clues and evidence, unlike Linda's case."
"I don't think we're gonna find any thing on that one. All we have so far is a man, a woman from New York- but not Staten Island, an old warehouse, and copycats."
"Yeah, I know. And I really wanna nail these guys to the wall!"
"How's Linda doing any way?" Baez inquired, worried about her friend.
"She's declined some. More closed, quieter, sadder."
"Must be tough."
"It is, but she's a tough girl. She can pull through, I'm sure of it."
"It just makes me so mad!" Eddie complained to Jamie.
"Eddie, there's nothing you can do," Jamie reiterated for the umpteenth time.
"There's gotta be something!" Eddie picked up her burger, talking animatedly. "You did something for me-"
"It's not the same! We knew who attacked you, we have no idea who attacked Linda."
"But it can't just go cold. We can't just sit here-"
"Eddie, look. I think it's great that you want to help, but what can you do? We've got nothing."
"Yes we do."
"Yeah, a male and a female, who're copycats. That's it. That's the entire population of the world!"
She made a face at him, disagreeing with that statement. "But we have to help."
"I agree. But what can we do?"
"I dunno. But something..."
Linda sighed as she decided what to do. It was lunch time, she wasn't very hungry, and she needed to run some errands. She ran a hand through her hair, her hand on her hip. She had felt off the entire morning and all day yesterday; she hadn't wanted to get up or eat anything or even get dressed. She felt numb, like whatever hit her, would just bounce off. She walked into the kitchen, and stared at the wooden block filled with sharp cutting tools. She took one out, inspecting it for a long time, contemplating her options. Closing her eyes, she dropped her head, her brain buzzing with static. A small, tiny voice in her head was saying, 'don't do it, Linda. Put the knife away'. But that voice was small, barely audible; she lightly pressed the blade to her skin, not being able to drag it across her arm. She knew she would have to hide it, other wise Danny would go berserk.
Linda looked in the direction of the stairs, and slowly walked to them. Just as slowly, she ascended the stairs, heading towards the bedroom. She was almost to the bathroom, but something in the room had a stronger pull. She found herself being drawn to the closet, almost as if their was a some kind of force, pulling her in. She opened the closet, looking inside it, searching for something. All she found was her and Danny's clothes, nearly hung in their respective sections.
"What are you trying to tell me?" Linda wondered aloud, not understanding why she was standing in the closet. She cocked her head, looking at what could be different about the clothes. Her eyes happened upon Danny's shirts, all hung up, some a little crooked, some perfectly straight. She shook her head, turning away from the closet. She walked into the bathroom, gripping the knife, knowing what she was going to do.

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